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“So you fixed the glasses?” Young Emmit asked Cody.

“Yeah. I fixed them. They are quite.. Interesting. I put them on and they bring me to a different world.” He said, opening up his backpack and taking out the glasses.

“You're shitting me?” He leaned forward and took the glasses. He looked at them at different angles before putting them on, his body went limp.

Cody sighed and took the glasses off of Emmit. Emmit sat up swiftly and glanced around, confused. “Hey, what the hell man? I wanted to check it out.”

“No” Cody shook his head. “It isn't safe enough yet. I wanna gauge whether or not I can actually get through that world safely before throwing you in there.”

“That's not fair to me!” He complained. “Just because you think it isn't safe doesn't mean dog shit! You should let me, it will be fun for me. Go to a new world? Yes please! Stay here? No thanks! Also come on dude. What are we even going to do today? Go to my house and play videogames? That's not fun. We do that all the time.”

“Emmit, I said no.” Cody grew quiet. “I could sense another presence within the world. We aren't alone there. I don't know if it's a threat or not, but we need to be careful.”

“Shut up” Emmit sighed. “I'm old enough to drive, I can be trusted with a stupid pair of glasses. Now untwist your balls and hand them over-”

Cody cringed. “The glasses or my-”

“The glasses, dumb fuck! God.. you're useless sometimes..” He cursed out, glaring daggers at Cody.

Cody scoffed and stood. “I can't stand you sometimes. I'm just going to leave. If you're going to get all pissed and bitchy over your own safety, I'm just not going to fuck with this” 

Emmit stood. His face was red from anger. “You will take that back now, and you will do as I say! You don't have a choice! I am your creator!”

Cody winced and put his hands to his head. A wave of a terrible headache came over him.

Emmit also winced, putting his fingers against his temple. His head has begun to pound as well.

Cody shook his head and slowly stood up straight. He sighed. “Uh.. yeah man. I don't know what came over me.. but here. Take the glasses.” He sighed. “I need a fucking asprin..”

Emmit took the glasses. “Same.. here, let me go grab some.” He took the glasses with him to grab some aspirin.


Cody sat at his desk, computer open and glasses in hand. He was doing research. He found something.. found information. When he found the broken glasses, they were thrown out by someone who worked under a company that sought to fix the fourth wall. The person that he saw in the fourth wall was none other than a person named Devin. They were one of the few people with this.. odd job.

From the research Cody had done on Devin, they liked them. A lot. They were a interesting person, seemed nice enough as well. Not to mention the work they did was.. well.. rather honorable.

He couldn't imagine it was an easy job, and hey, Devin deserved a bit of appreciation. Cody sighed as he dug through his pocket and pulled out a smartphone. He didn't like phones. They were uncomfortable. Finicky. He wanted to use a old style phone, but Emmit wouldn't let him. Said it would be too inconvenient. He texted the group chat that Lacch had set up for them.


‘Lets call. I found out some important info about the glasses and Devin’


‘o ok. I cant call rn but maybe in like.. 10 mins?? :}}’


‘Sounds good. Emmit?’


‘yeah i can whenever’

He put the phone aside and crossed his hands and leaned back. He hummed a light tune to himself and shut his eyes. He wondered how Lacch's brother was. He seemed nice enough. Cared for Lacch quite a bit. Not to mention, he wasn't the worst looking guy. Mayhaps one day, he would ask him on a simple date.

He opened his eyes as he heard his phone buzz. He picked it up and answered the call.

“Hello.” Hummed Cody.

“Heya!” Lacch quickly said. They turned on their camera and waved. “So whatcha wanna talk about?”

Emmit cleared his throat. “Hi. And yeah. What Lacch said.”

Cody sat up straight. “The other person who I saw in the fourth wall is named Devin. To say the least, they seem like a frankly cool person. And- Emmit- I know you like power.. There is power in this. In the fourth wall.. So as I thinking, we could create a little.. group.. to show appreciation.” He shuffled a bit. “The Cult of Devin. Just a small thing to.. y'know. Show appreciation. Get some power from the fourth wall abilities take advantage of what it has to offer.”

Emmit nodded. “I like the idea of that. I don't mind taking advantage of power.”

“Uh. I don't know how to feel about that.” Lacch muttered. “But I will support it.”

Cody smiled. “Well then, this is the birth of the Cult of Devin.”

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