07 part two

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“Emmit?” Heathers eyes were wide as she took a step back from her blood covered son. “Oh Gods, Emmit, what did you do?”

Emmit was shaking. He was here. He was finally here. Whether he realized it or not, he had been building up to this moment for years. All that research he did into anatomy, all the anger he kept pent up, the surplus of fire starters he had collected over the years. He was ready for this, so fucking ready.

“I'm doing what has to be done. Mom, you don't get it. I can't be ignored. I can't just sit there and be alone; You abandoned me. You care more about your work and the stupid kids here.” He scowled. “You're a rotten mother.”

Heather could feel her heart shatter. She shook her head. “Oh, my baby.. no.. No! I haven't abandoned you.. Please.. sweetie, I love you so much. I would never do you any harm. Please, I'm sorry if you feel abandoned. I am just trying to get enough money to give you the help you need.”

“The help I need? The help I need?! Years ago when you sent me to the hell that was that rehabilitation center, you called that help! All they did was tell me that I was seeing things! All they did was tell me these terrible, terrible things about myself! You're lying. You aren't helping me. You're hurting me!”

Heather shook her head quickly and stepped away from Emmit. “Oh please, please sweetheart. I had to do that. Your principal, my boss, Mr. Loahman, he said it would be a good idea!”

Emmit shook his head. “Well then, I sure am glad I killed him.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the knife from its hiding place. The blood made the handle slippery.

Heather shook her head quickly and looked around before grabbing a paper weight. “Emmit, please, my sweet, sweet, boy. This isn't you. Please. I can't hurt you, don't make me hurt you, oh my. Oh gods. This is too much.”

“You say you can't hurt me?” He asked, taking a step closer to her. His grip on the blade tightened.

“I can't.. so please don't do this. Please, I don't want to die like this..” she shakily lifted the paper weight over her head in a threatening position.

Emmit laughed lightly. He stepped closer to her. “The less you fight back, the easier this will be for me.”

He walked over to her and grabbed her leg. He yanked at it and pulled her to the ground. She fell back but caught herself. She quickly turned and tried to push Emmit away.

“Emmit! Emmit, stop! You don't have to do this!” She rolled onto her back and kicked Emmit away. He let out a grunt before moving back over to Heather. He grabbed her leg again and tried to pull her closer.

Heather let out a yell and sat up. She tried to stand to run only for Emmit to pull at her legs, dragging her back down. She kicked back at him and raised the paper weight. She brought it down on Emmit's free hand, a loud crack echoed through the room as the bones in his hands shattered.

He let out a pained yell and pulled his hand to his chest. He let out a hiss of pain through his teeth and bit onto his cheek. He blinked away tears before quickly jumping up and grabbing Heather. He roughly shoved her to the ground and rolled her onto her stomach. He got on her back and raised the knife.

“You ruined my fucking hand!” He leaned over her and shoved his knee into her spine. Emmit leaned over her and whispered in her ear. “I'm going to make you fucking pay for that, ‘k bitch? Wanna know what I'm going to do? Wanna hear it? Answer me!” He shoved more pressure onto her spine. Her back cracked. Heather inhaled sharply and struggled under Emmit.

“Please.. I just don't want you to do this.. oh Emmit, you're hurting me!” She cried out. She reached her hands back and clawed at Emmit’s knee, trying to get it off her back.

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