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“He was nervous. Emmit is adapt with anatomy so I would think he would focus on slitting the internal jugular vein.. He didn't though. He was damn close but didn't go deep enough. He rushed it, barley even scraped the platysma. Didn't go deep at all. That doesn't change the fact that it was a scare though.” Sirona said as she finished wrapping the bandage around Euan's neck.

“I should of been down here with you guys. I can't believe he got out..” Cody shook his head and let out a frustrated sigh. “This is my fault. Security should of been tighter.”

“I won't deny that. It is partially your fault. But-” she put a hand on Cody's back. “You couldn't have predicted this. What has happened is a tragedy that was fully unexpected. We didn't know Lacch could pick locks we didn't expect them to-”

“I did know they could pick locks..” whispered Euan. “I taught them when we were little. I should have told you guys.. I just- didn't think they would ever use it. They never appreciated my more kleptomaniac side.”

“That's.. good to know.” Sirona sighed and shook her head. “It would of been plenty nice to know before he escaped though.”

Cody nodded and sat on the medical bed. He put his hand on Euan's. “I'm guessing it's safe to assume that Emmit didn't lose his memory. Probably was just a ploy to give Lacch enough time to save him.”

“Lacch didn't want him to hurt me.” Muttered Euan, a small smile on his face. “Do you think that is a sign we can help them?”

Cody smiled and rubbed his hand. “I think there is a chance.”


A few days had past and chaos was starting to brew. Euan was growing eager with the fact that Lacch's recent posts were showing more hesitance to supporting Emmit. Though with it, he began to worry. Emmit had gathered the rebels to his side and was preparing for something. While Lacch was reminiscing on the past, Emmit was growing more and more angry.

“Support for Emmit is shrinking by the day!” Hummed Euan as he hugged Cody.

“Yes. It's.. it's very good.” Cody gave Euan a small, tired smile and covered his mouth as he coughed.

Cody continued to cough, each one getting more violent. He kneeled over and let out a final sickening gargling cough, a clot of blood spilling out of his mouth. He wiped his face with his sleeve. The neat white fabric now having a streak of red across it.

“Cody- Cody are you ok?” Asked Euan, quickly looking from the blood on the floor to Cody.

“Yes, darling. You have no need to worry for me.. I'm fine.” He wiped his mouth again and sat back. “I'm just- it's just-” he let out a small frustrated sigh. “Don't worry about it. Please.”

“It's Emmit. Isn't it.. He's hurting you.” Euan ran a hand through his hair and let out a sharp breath. “What are you not telling me? Something is up- right? First your not excited about Emmit's followers growing nervous and now you're spitting up blood.”

Cody stood and walked over to the stove. He filled the kettle with water and began to heat it up. “I've been speaking with Lacch.” He said after a long breath of silence. “We both agree Emmit has gone too far. The more I've been able to speak with them, the more I've been able to inform them of the truth. Emmit can feel us rebeling from him. I'm now nearly fully free from his control. It's been days since I've felt a slight murderous urge and it's been months since I've actually killed someone. I'm nearly free. He can feel it.”

Cody gathered up some tea leaves- earl grey creme to be exact. He put it in the blue teapot. “He is taking the bit of control he has left on me and is killing me from the inside out. I haven't wanted to tell you. I know it would scare you. I know it will make you want to kill him.” Cody paused. He let out a breath. He slowly walked over to Euan and put his hands on his cheeks. “Please. Euan. My one and only love. Promise me something, please.”

Euan placed his hands over Cody's. He was shaking, holding back a sob. Small whimpers that he couldn't hold back came from his throat as he stood there, looking into Cody's eyes. He slowly nodded.

“When I die, don't look for revenge. Don't kill Emmit. Please. Murder makes people horrid. I don't want you to do what I did. I know you can be better than me. I believe in you. And please.. don't try to bring me back. It's too big of a risk. And you out of everyone should know that the dead need to stay dead.” He slowly pulled his hands away. “Promise to me that you can do that. Make a vow to me. Promise on my soul. Promise on the good in my heart..”

Euan finally let out the sob he was holding back. “I-” he shut his eyes tightly, still trying to hold back the tears. “I promise..”

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