The Dog: Sirius

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I woke up the next morning surprisingly happy. That never happens, so I sat and thought what on earth could have happened to me. I finally got up, shrugging it off, got dressed and went to breakfast.

"Morning, Moony, Prongslet." I sniffed in deeply, basking in the heavenly smell of bacon. Remus turned to me.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I don't know! I'm just, I don't know, happy!" Remus shot me a look. Then he came over with his greasy frying pan and whacked me on the head. Normally I'd be mad, but for some reason I wasn't. "Hey!" I said, and shoved him, laughing.

"Sirius!" He said, and promptly whacked me again. "Wake. Up."

I opened my eyes. I was in my bed, and Remus was standing over me with a frying pan. I squinted when he turned the light on, my eyes burning. "What time is it?" I muttered, rubbing my head. A bruise was already forming.

"It's almost noon, hurry up!" Remus said. "Or I'll hit you with the pan again." I quickly sat up, black spots dancing in my vision.


"Well, you can stay in bed. Harry and I will go to the park as soon as we've finished breakfast." That got me going. I jumped out of bed, head throbbing, and hopped to the shower.

As I walked down the stairs, feeling slightly refreshed, Harry grinned at me from across the table, mouth full of pancakes. It made me smile to think how much he had changed. Just a year ago, he had been an ill, starved, terrified eight year old. Now Harry was well, and getting slightly chubby from all the candy and cakes I gave him. Well, it wasn't my fault the greedy little bugger decided to eat them all!

"Good morning, Harry!" I said, and shook my wet hair.

"Pad foot, you dog, you know I hate it when you do that," Moony expressed in disgust as water flung everywhere. A little habit of mine, I guess.

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