Shopping: Remus

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It has been a week since Harry left for Hogwarts. It still feels odd, but he continues to send letters, which help a lot. His first letter to us was
Very proudly delivered by Hedwig on Monday morning.

Dear Padfoot and Moony,

I got sorted into Gryffindor! The sorting was amazing, but a little odd. The hat sang a weird song that described all the houses. It seemed really prejudiced; probably because it's Gryffindor's hat.

Ron and Hermione (a girl we met on the train) are also in Gryffindor. All of Ron's siblings are in Gryffindor, it was really fun to see them again.

Professor McGonagall is just like you said, Sirius. I had tea with Hagrid on Saturday, he's super nice. I think people are just intimidated by his height. I hope to see you soon-Christmas break is in a few months! Hopefully I'll see you before then!


Harry Potter

He also went on to promise to send us a letter once or twice a week to give us updates on what is going on. Sirius was mightily cheered by Harry's letters, and began to wait eagerly by the kitchen window, hoping for another one.

As I looked over Harry's letter in the living room, Sirius walked in.

"Let's quit moping, Moony. Wanna go to Diagon Alley?" Well.

"I suppose. What else was going on?"


"All right. "

We apparated to London, and took the subway to the street where the pub entrance lay. We each grabbed butterbeer and started wandering.

"We may as well grab Christmas presents now, since Harry's at Hogwarts," I said.

"Good idea, Moonykins," Sirius responded, and trotted off. I walked to Flourish and Blott's, and then stopped myself. Harry isn't really into books, I scolded myself. I walked around for a while more, and then produced a patronus message for Sirius.

"Tell him I'm apparating to Hogsmeade," I told the silver shimmering wolf, and turned on the spot.

Ah, Hogsmeade! A horde of memories rushed back to the surface, with Sirius, James, and Peter, running around to Zonko's, the Three Broomsticks... You're here to buy a Christmas present, I scolded myself, blinking back the tears.

I popped into Zonko's, and looked around. Nothing has changed. All the same jokes and tricks were there, all the foul tasting candy.

I ended up getting Harry a broom from the quidditch supplies shop in Diagon Alley and Sirius a bunch of candy from Zonko's. I was looking around for Sirius, for the familiar styled shoulder length hair and leather jacket, when a silver shaggy dog stopped me and talked to me in Sirius's voice. "I got my gifts. At ice cream shop."

I walked to Florean Fortescue's, and saw Sirius there, slurping on a strawberry shake with his arm around the waitress. I sighed and walked over, telling her to get me a chocolate sundae so she would leave. While Sirius pouted, I examined his packages. One was long and slender.

"Don't tell me you got him a broom," I gasped.

"What?! You did not--" he said at the same time. We sat, glaring at each other.

We sat there for a long time.

"Someone's going to have to return it," I said.

It was dark before Florean Fortescue himself came and told us that he was closed.

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