Comfort and Love: Harry

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A/N: Hey, from now on, I'm going to be doing chapters from Remus's, Sirius's, and Harry's points of view.

I don't know what to think. Moony and Padfoot seem nice and all, and I love the little cottage. But do they really want to keep me? My stomach growls with nervousness and hunger, as I haven't eaten for a long time. I can't remember since I've last eaten. I don't want to talk to Padfoot and Moony. I wasn't allowed to talk when I lived with uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia. I haven't talked for a long time. I can only whisper.

I rather like the lion on my wall. It reminds me of Dad, or what I can remember of him. I remember he had black hair and grey eyes. He laughed a lot. I remember Mum more. She had long red hair like my bedroom and green eyes like mine. When I told Petunia I remembered her a long time ago, she said only freaks remember stuff they're not supposed to. I look around this room sadly. They'll send me back soon. Back to the Dursleys.

"What's wrong?" Moony asks me. I look at his honey gold eyes. They are warm and comforting. But I don't say anything. "Harry? I want you to tell me what's wrong. But If you don't feel comfortable telling me or Padfoot right now, that's okay." He's giving me a choice? I can choose wether to tell him? I don't know what to do. I can feel their worries for me, and they seem like they really care. But I am afraid that if I tell them anything I'll be sent back.

"You know that we would never send you back, right, Prongslet? Never ever ever. " Padfoot sits beside me on my bed. I can tell he wants me to say something. But he doesn't know how much I needed that.

"They hit me. " I whisper. Padfoot and Moony jump. They did not expect me to say anything. I am still scared, but I press on. "They burned me. They cut me. " And I cannot say any more. My tears are streaming down my cheeks. I feel relief in telling someone this, but now I am scared they will send me back. I am weak. I close my eyes.

I tense immediately as I am picked up. Tears of fear stream down my cheeks more frequently. Will they hurt me? But I find myself enveloped in a loving embrace. Strong arms hold me and I am being rocked back and forth. I open my eyes a little bit. Padfoot smiles down at me. I look away to find Moony looking at me. He smiles sadly.

"We will never bring you back, all right?" Moony murmurs. "We will never hit you. We will never hurt you. And, most importantly, we love you."

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