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The girl winced, her throat stinging as she did so. Attempting to reach up and grab her burning and pulsating shoulder, she realized she couldn't.

Taking in the situation, she was beyond shocked and confused to find herself tied to a tree.

What the hell happened? She thought. She just couldn't recall how she managed to end up like this.

After spotting her blood soaked shirt, she became a bit queezy. However, she was quick to realize.. that was the least of her worries at the moment.

A growling grew closer from the distance. Another came from the opposite direction.... And another.. and another..

She couldn't see them, but she knew she was greatly outnumbered. Her hair stood straight as the growling came to a stop. Unable to relax, her muscles became sore from tensing up her body.

Loud stomps ran up from behind her as she began to accept her fate. She took a deep breath and squeezed her eyes closed, preparing for the worst.


Miyu opened her eyes as Seungmin pulled on the rope, cutting it with a pocket knife. "Are you okay- shit, you're still bleeding." He whispered.

"I'm... I'm okay."

"No, you aren't. Come on, we have to get off of the ground."

Off.. off of the ground...?

He pulled her to stand up, noting immediately that she could hardly stand on her own. He lifted her onto his back, making his way to a tree he could easily climb.

  Once he got them to a safe spot in the tree, he managed to stop the bleeding with his jacket. He pulled out the small red container, grabbing the last little red paper.

  "Where.. are we?" She blinked a few times, starting to gather herself. She noticed Seungmins hand on her wrist, attempting to pull away.

  "Don't- I don't want you to fall."

  It wasn't until then, Miyu had realized how high up they were. Sitting on only a few branches, she was one slip away from a brutal fall.

  "I got you, I promise. Are you okay?"

  She froze, unsure of how to react to this new side of Seungmin.

  "What is going on?" She asked once again.

  He took a deep breath, avoiding her eyes. "We are stuck in a trap. None of my abilities work which means magic is cut off. We have to survive a large forest filled with bloodthirsty wolves. It's actually quite known for being compared to quicksand. Once you are stuck... It's next to impossible to escape on your own." He blurted, covering his mouth afterwards.

  "How.. how long.."

  "It's only been an hour since I woke up. I have no idea how we got here, but it has to be Min and them. I am just glad I found you before it was too late.." he confessed.

  He was distressed and definitely tired. Miyu moved her hand to grab his, also avoiding eye contact. "Thank you. Let's find a good tree we could both get some rest in. We have a bit before we have to worry about food."

  "I already have a fire burning in a small opening about half a mile west. Let's head that way."

Three days later

"Yeah, now fold the fabric over like this." Byeol instructed Airi.

The fairy and vampire did their best to keep the human distracted. Since she was rescued, she kept her face and didn't show any tears. That greatly worried the two, knowing Airi was unsure if her sister was even alive.

In the middle of teaching Airi and Jinae how to make clothes, the youngest stopped and looked down to her lap. Going completely silent, Jinae reached over to hold her hand. "Hey.."

Byeol finally stopped, pushing the fabric away. "I can tell you don't have much energy to do this-"

"N-no, sorry for making it seem like that. I have plenty of energy! I'm just-"

"It's okay to be worried and scared. You can be vulnerable, Airi. Miyu wouldn't do so either for a while." Byeol informed. "She is with Seungmin. He won't let anything happen to her. You saw what happened when Sujin and Moon went after her."

With glistening eyes, she finally looked up to the two olders. A single tear fell as she nodded. "Yeah, my older sister is strong. We will get her back."


The Purple Eyes  | Kim Seungmin Where stories live. Discover now