Chapter 2- Time to Remember

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Niall's POV- 11:27 pm:

Eva. I love that name. She's beautiful. Like, one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. I watch her as she turns her body under the blanket and a caskade of beautiful wavy, chestnut hair rolls off her petite shoulders. The first thing I noticed when the boys and I walked in to check on her was her eyes. They are the most beautiful shade of green and are big and full of life. And her laugh, oh my goodness her laugh is adorable. I've always been a sucker for girls who laugh kind of oddly. And not only is she beautiful, but she is the sweetest person ever. She has a wonderful sense of humor, and a great way with sarcasm. Before she fell asleep her and I were making our own little commentary on the movie and she was hilarious.            

I don't think I have ever gotten to know a fan this well. Our fans are awesome! Honestly, the boys and I are so lucky. I grab my phone from the coffee table in front of me and type out a quick tweet,

@NiallOfficial: To all the fans that just came to the show in Hartford tonight, I'm so sorry about the unfortunate end to the night! But I just wanted to let you all know that everything is okay! G'night #bestfansintheworld !!!

Eva begins to move around on the couch and I look up at her as she slowly opens her eyes.  

Eva's POV- 11:31 pm: 

I wake up again as the closing credits are falling down the TV screen. All the boys are asleep too except for Niall who turns around when he discovers that I've woken up.

"I was going to wake you looked so serene." Niall whispers so he doesn't wake the others.

"Ha-ha I'm sure I am such a beautiful sleeper." I say sarcastically.

"Hey how bout we go next door to chat so we don't wake these idiots up?" Niall makes his way toward the door and I ask him if it is okay for me to move yet.

"The doctor came in to tell you that you could stand up about an hour ago but you were sound asleep." I get up and feel a little lightheaded. Niall must notice because he puts his arm around me to help support my body.

"Thanks." I whisper, and he doesn't reply, just flashes me a huge happy grin.

He leads me down a hallway and into a different dressing room. It looks the exact same as the other one but flipped a different direction. It smells like musty cologne and potato chips. The boys must have been hanging out in here before they came in to visit me.

"So, do you really not remember anything?" Niall makes his way towards the couch and plops himself down onto it. He motions for me to come and sit next to him, "the doctor did say that there was a chance you could have amnesia."

I nod, that would certainly explain why I can't remember anything.

"Well what is the last thing that you remember?" Niall asks and puts his hands onto his knees.

I can tell he is worried and it is making me all the more nervous. I think long and hard and suddenly remember, "I was in a cab, with my best friends, Amanda and Cameron. We were driving to something important because I can remember that we were all dressed in our favorite outfits, I don't remember what though."

"Eva, you hit your head really hard. Do you want me to help you remember?" He knew my name, I wonder how. The doctor must've told him. I nod again. "Well we were having a concert tonight, the lads and I. You must be a pretty big fan of us cause you had seats right near the stage. Ringing any bells?" Niall looks at me.

"I wish I could say yes, but no I don't remember." I get goose bumps all up my arms, partially because it is freezing in this room, and partially because the fact that I might have amnesia is creeping me out. "I do feel like I know you guys though. And I did have a flashback earlier. I was standing in a huge crowd of girls in what looked like your concert."

"That's good, you're making progress. So we were singing our last song, and that's when you took the fall. You see, Harry decided to go out into the crowd and when he did the girls in the rows behind you all started rushing up to him. He was singing right in front of you so they were all charging right towards where you were standing. One fan accidentally knocked you down and you injured your head and arm. At first security didn't think it was that bad but they called in a doctor when they realized that you weren't getting up. The doctor ordered them to keep you here until you woke up because it wasn't good for you to travel too far with a possible concussion. We were planning on heading out tonight to play a show tomorrow in Texas, but we wanted to stay here with you until you were better. Harry felt so bad he started to cry." Niall laughed, "and let me tell you, that boy never cries."

It takes me a few minutes for me to process everything that Niall just said. A few of the details offered little short flashbacks. I can remember Harry standing in front of me singing to me and Amanda and Cameron freaking out on either side of me.

 All of a sudden it hits me. One Direction. My friends and I are obsessed with One Direction and had tickets to their concert in Hartford! I remember Amanda announcing that she had gotten us tickets for her birthday, and I can recall all the posters in my room of all of the boys. And Niall! I was practically in love with Niall! Amanda liked Harry, Cameron liked Liam and I liked Niall. I am sitting here right now with Niall Horan from One Direction. Oh my god.  

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