Chapter 3- Stay Calm, Eva

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Eva's POV- 11:47 pm:

“Do you remember now?” As Niall talks I try not to completely freak out because I have waited so long to meet him, and here he is, caring for me. Don’t freak out Eva. You don’t want to scare him.

“Are you okay Eva?” My face must have turned bright red cause Niall stares at me with a concerned look on his face.

“I actually remember!” I am really excited that I can recall everything.

“That is so reliving!” Niall smiles and gives me a huge bear hug, “I was so worried that we caused you permanent amnesia or something.” He kind of surprises me when he kisses my head while holding me in his arms. It almost seems like something a dad would do if his daughter fell down and hit their head. It's random, but also really comforting. 

All of a sudden the door bursts open and in comes Harry, Zayn, Louis and Liam. I am in a room right now with all five members of One Direction. Who gets to say that in their lifetime? 

“Are you okay love?” Harry comes over and sits next to me. “Do you remember now?”

“Yeah I do actually. Niall told me what happened and it all came flooding back to me.” I answer Harry as calmly as possible because I can tell that he is really nervous that he caused me a lot of harm.

“I feel so horrible about all this Eva. I’m so sorry.” Harry apologizes and wraps his arms around me. Hugging is just a trend tonight I guess. 

“Don’t feel sorry Harry! It isn’t your fault! And besides, I have always wanted to meet you guys and if a concussion and a little bit of amnesia is all it takes to do that, then I am perfectly willing.” They all laugh at that.

“Well we will be here for a few more nights because we stayed here to be with you, and the flight that we had booked was the last one before the cancellations out of Connecticut due to a coming blizzard.” Louis explains, “So you can hang out with us for the next few days if you want.”

“Are you kidding? I would love to!” I try not to sound too overexcited.

“Your friends, and I believe you and your friend's mothers are back at your hotel. There were some security issues with them being backstage so Paul asked if they would head back there and wait for you. If you want you could call your friends and ask if they want to come back here to hang out and meet us. I’m sure we can sort it out with Paul. We will be living backstage here for the next few days because our tour bus is being fixed and we can’t get a flight so maybe we can take advantage of the time and get to know you and your friends.” Liam seems very enthusiastic as he waits for an answer.

“Yeah of course. I will call them now. They are going to be so excited.” I have Amanda’s number on speed dial, so with a push of a button I can hear the song that she sets her phone to play while people wait for her to answer. It’s “What Makes You Beautiful”, figures.

Niall's POV- 11:53 pm:

I'm excited to meet Eva's friends becuase I'm sure they are just as down-to-earth as Eva is, and you really can't have too many down-to-earth people in your life.

I can hear "What Makes You Beautiful" playing faintly from Eva's phone and then once Eva says "hello" a chorus of screams breaks out through the phone speakers. She giggles her adorable giggle and turns back to us after she hangs up, "They will be here in ten. I suggest that you get ready Harry cause I'm pretty sure Amanda's gonna tackle you to the ground. And Liam, Cameron is pretty shy but if you could talk to her it would literally make her so happy."

Harry smiles his infamous cheeky boy smile and Liam politely responds, "I can't wait to meet her."

I can't wait to get to know Eva better.

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