Chapter 8- Table For Two, Please

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Eva's POV- 6:37 pm:

I don’t live in Hartford, but because I am so close to the city I know it like the back of my hand. Niall and I walk down the busy streets as the sun sets and the city lights turn on one by one. I was able to go back to the hotel earlier to grab some clothes and makeup and take a quick shower. Cameron let me borrow her vintage blue velvet dress, which I paired with my leather jacket and Amanda’s beige booties that she wore to the concert. Of course I am freezing considering the blizzard outside, but I have Niall to keep me warm, don’t I? I had to pick and choose because Amanda, Cameron and I didn’t pack a whole lot because we had only planned on spending one night in the city. Even though we live so close and could have driven home for the night, our moms agreed that for a treat we should get a suite at the Hilton Hartford.

When I told Cameron and Amanda that Niall had asked me out on a date they didn’t believe me. They said that they wanted me to remember every single detail and tell them everything when I saw them next. They made sure that I was looking my absolute best. Amanda did my hair, as she was always good at doing hair. Cameron painted my nails in a pretty navy blue shade, and I applied my makeup. A generous amount of my favorite mascara, and a little blush to give my face some color. I've never been into wearing a ton of makeup. It takes too much time and effort, and those are two things I lack in. However Amanda insisted that I apply foundation and concealer before I put my makeup on so my face would look “absolutely flawless.”

I really wish that they could come with me, or put a little walkie talkie in my ear to help me out with the whole “date” thing. I have never really been on a date before, so tonight will be kind of scary, but with Niall I’ll feel much less nervous. Amanda and Cameron gave me a pep talk and I nodded as they told me all the things I should do; smile, ask questions and listen, be interested in what he has to say (which of course I will be), and to be flirtatious while still being myself. And they didn’t forget what not to do; don’t play with my hair too much, don’t play with my rings as I always do when I’m nervous, and absolutely do not laugh my loud obnoxious laugh because it will apparently “scare him away.” I told them thanks, that their advice made me feel a lot better even though it just made me all the more stressed about this evening.

“Are we close?” Niall entwines his fingers with mine and waits for an answer.

I had decided that we should go to a restaurant called “Vivo” near the park in the city. Ever since I was a little girl I have loved Vivo, and now it reminds me of my childhood, which is always a nice thing to be reminded of. I look up at Niall, he is about 4 inches taller than me and it is nice. I’ve always liked when boys are taller than me, it makes me feel more secure in their presence. I reply as I point in the direction of the restaurant, “Right there.”

“Yay I’m starving.” Niall’s face lights up at the thought of food and I laugh as we make our way to the front entrance.

“Hi, do you have a reservation?” A tall, thin women with pin straight black hair stares at us blankly.

“Yes, a 7:00 reservation for two.” I try to act pleasant as the lady stares me up and down with her emotionless eyes. She seems to have a bit of a stick up her ass, but I’m sure she’s just stressed about how busy this place is tonight.

“Under what name?” She mumbles the words out like they are part of a script that she has been using for years.

“Devers.” Niall steps in and says my last name. We weren’t allowed to use his because of all the craziness that would occur if the restaurant was aware of their special guest from the biggest boy band in the world. There would be about a hundred girls lined up outside the doors and the atmosphere would be hectic; not something you would want on a date at all. However the hostess seems to recognize him and lightens up her attitude a bit and asks for an autograph, which of course Niall signs.

After a few more autographs and a few dozen “Hi, I’m such a big fan”s, we are placed at our table in the back corner of the dining room. Vivo has always had a very cozy, homey feel to it. It has old brick walls, a fire place that crackles and warms your body as you wait for your food, and a bunch of round booths with pillows placed on them, making it look as if they came straight out of a Pottery Barn catalogue. And as Niall looks up from his menu at me and smiles his cute little smile, I realize that this moment came right of a fairytale, and I’ve never been one to believe in fairytales and happy endings. Until now.

Niall's POV- 7:33 pm:

Eva and I have been strolling down the nearly-empty streets for about five minutes now. The city is very calm, almost like it isn't a city at all. The storm has come nearly to a stop so Eva and I aren't getting bombarded with heavy snowflakes as we make our way to the restaurant. My phone beeps suddenly and I try to look down at the screen without Eva noticing. I can tell that it's Zayn because I set my phone to have different text tones for each of the boys. Zayn's is a spaceship sound considering his love for alien-themed comic books. Eva glances down at the screen as I start to read it.

"Sorry, it's Zayn." I'm just assuming it is something important because he wouldn't text me unless it was, knowing that I'm out with Eva. 

"That's okay, go for it." Eva speaks in an understanding tone.

I glance down at the lit screen and read the message,

1 New Message From: zaynmalikkk

Flight at 10:30 tomorrow morning. Storm's over apparently. You ready for Texas dude?!

Reading the words brings me back to reality; I am leaving tomorrow. How am I supposed to see Eva if I'm halfway across the country? How am I supposed to keep in touch with her when I am living halfway across the world? 

"Everything okay?" Eva looks up at me with caring eyes. She is a little shorter than me, which I love.  I like when girls are smaller than me because I feel like I can protect them, you know? I can look after them and watch over them.

"Yeah everything is fine." I try to slip the horrible thought that I will be leaving Eva tomorrow from my mind so that I can at least enjoy tonight, "are we close?" I try my best to change the subject. 

I can tell that Eva's nervous because her hand twitches as I go to hold it, "Right there." She points to a little brick building and leads me to the front entrance.

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