Chapter 19- Deal Making and Possible Tradition Breaking

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Johnathan's POV- 3:47 pm:

"That's where you can get the best ice cream in Kinsely." Eva stretches her arm out to point to a small white building that looks like it used to be a house. 

"Do you know where I could find the worst ice cream in town?" I say sarcastically as she looks up at me and smirks.

"Good one." Eva crosses her arms, "but actually there is only one ice cream store in Kinsley so I guess it could be named the best and the worst."

"This town is smaller than I thought." I look around what the people that live in Kinsely consider to be their "downtown", even though it isn't much of one at all compared to where I used to live. 

"Yeah it's pretty tiny. We got all your necessities though!" Eva starts to speed up as she introduces me to the different shops and restaraunts along the sidewalk, "See? You've got your local bar, a candy shop, a ridiculously expensive boutique, a pizza parlor, a book store, a yoga studio, an old breakfast diner, a thrift store, a cozy coffee shop... What else could you ask for?"

"Don't forget that park over there. That seems pretty nice, you've got the river along it and everything." I motion towards the snow-covered park benches and barren trees. Eva glances up at me with her big green eyes and catches me by surprise when she grabs my hand and starts to run us along the slippery road leading to a nearly-deserted ice rink in the park. 

"Do you skate?" Eva asks as we reach the rink. 

"Yeah I actually am really into hockey. I was on the boys varsity ice hockey team at my old school." I step onto the solid ice wishing I had brought my skates. 

"Oh that's awsome! I actually can't skate. My family and my best friends are really into ice skating and hockey but I've always been too scared to skate and to be honest I don't have any idea why." Eva steps onto the ice behind me in her leather boots and I can tell by her stance that she is terrified she'll slip. 

"Here, take my hand." I reach for her petite, mitten-covered hand. 

"Hmm, I'm not sure if I trust you yet Johnathan." Eva responds sarcastically while letting me take her hands in mine. 

"Well I've given you no reason not to." I can feel her pulse next to where my pointer finger is placed on her wrist and I try to see if her heart is beating as fast as mine is. 

"No, I guess you haven't." Eva gives in and lets me pull her across the rink with a huge grin on her face. "So, what brings you to Kinsley?" Eva leans into me trying to keep her balance. 

"Well my little sister got a scholarship at Kinsley Prep and my parents think 13 years old is a little bit too young to be boarding at a school five hours away from home so we decided to pack up and move for her sake." I spin Eva around on the ice as I explain my family's far more complicated situation in simpler terms. 

"Oh, so were you okay with moving or did you not really have a choice?" I can tell Eva is genuinely worried that I have no desire to be in Kinsley whatsoever. 

"I wasn't too thrilled about it, but now that I'm here I'm honestly kind of glad we moved. It's nice here. A lot less drama than my old town." I glance around again at how empty and quiet town is and wonder if we are the only crazy people that would be outside in this freezing weather. 

"Oh trust me, there is drama here too. The Kinsley moms can get very fiesty." Eva giggles. 

"I better watch out then." I stare at her big green eyes for a few seconds before she notices and looks up at me, "I would love to spend more time with you Eva, you seem like a pretty cool girl." I worry for a second that she doesn't want to hang out again as she pauses and looks around the park. 

"You know what? I'll make a deal with you. I'll show you around here some more if you teach me how to ice skate." Eva states as she looks around the ice and back up at me, "Deal?"


Liam's POV- 9:30 pm:

Cam and I have been texting for a few days now and discussing how much can be told to Niall and how much can't be, along with other information about Eva's condition, etc. etc. It's killing me to witness Niall in such an upset and vunerable state. He really misses Eva, and the boys and I can tell from the way he acts when talking about her that he has some serious feelings for her. Cam tells me that Eva knows absolutely nothing about Niall, and it seems that it'll have to stay that way for her sake. Niall will be devestated, but Cam and I both agreed to tell him that she is okay and to leave it at that. No further details or information. It'll be hard to watch him suffer but it seems it's for his own good, as well as Eva's, which I'd know that he'd want. 

The other boys haven't heard any information since the phone call we all had with Cam about the fugue state. As far as they're concerned, I don't know any more than they do. I've told them not to talk to Niall about any of it. It would just tear him apart to know that Eva can't remember him or how she felt about him. It'll be a challenge to keep things from my soul brother but it has to be done for everybody's sake. 

"Liam, we're gonna be in Hartford next winter!" Niall rushes over to me with a tour schedule and I quickly hide my phone so he won't see the messages from Cam. 

"That's great Niall." I don't really know what to say. I don't want to encourage him and to get his hopes up to think that Eva will be there and they can rekindle their love. However, I also don't want to  discourage him or take all his hope away. 

Once Niall walks away to go sit on the couch, I type a text to Cam. 

To: Cam B.

Hey, are you guys coming to the show in Hartford next year? I think Niall is convinced he'll see Eva there... I just don't want him to get his hopes crushed. 

Luckily, I get my answer immediatly; Cam, Eva and Amanda will all be at the show next December (according to Cam, it's a tradition, they go once a year every year to see us perform) Now things get complicated.  

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