Chapter 17- Blueberry Pancakes at the Dever Household

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Eva's POV- 10:42 am:

I stumble down the wooden staircase and smell blueberry pancakes cooking in the kitchen. 

"Good morning hun." My mom knows I am downstairs before I even enter the room she is in, it is actually kind of creepy. "How did you sleep?" 

"Uh okay I guess." I actually stayed up all night watching old episodes of Gossip Girl but my mom wouldn't be too happy to hear that. 

"Knock-Knock! It's Cameron!" Cam yells from the front door. Sunday is always pancake day at the Dever household. Amanda and Cam usually come over and we catch up. "How are you doing?" Cam reaches her arms out to me and holds me in a hug.

"Better." I look away quickly once we separate. To be honest I don't want to talk about what happened. Sure, I'm curious, but there is some weird feeling that I am getting that I shouldn't know what happened in those three days. I guess I can't really explain how I feel to someone unless they have experienced a fugue state as I have. It's the strangest thing that has ever happened to me and I don't know how to deal with it. At all. 

"It smells delicious in here!" Amanda shuffles in the front door with chunks of snow falling off of her boots.

"Come sit girls and I will bring you some warm pancakes." My mom points towards the stools at the kitchen counter and we all jump up onto our usual seats. Amanda in the middle, always, Cam on the left of her and me on the right against the wall.  

"How was the party last night?" Cam looks at Amanda referencing the party she went to with Cody last night instead of staying in watching movies with Cam and I.

"Uh it was fine. I don't know.. you guys know I don't like parties." Amanda's eyes stay planted on her  iPhone screen and Cam and I look at eachother. She literally is not capable of being off her phone for more than five minutes straight. 

"Sorry." She notices our glares and places her phone down on her lap.

"Mhm, sure you are." Cam takes Amanda's phone and throws it onto the couch in the living room just a few feet away. Amanda watches as it hits the cushion to make sure it lands safe and sound and then turns her attention back to us.

"So, Eva, how are ya doing?" Amanda swings her legs back and fourth under the counter.

I'm a little bit annoyed with the "how are you doing?"'s from literally every single person I know. I understand that they are worried and want to make sure I'm okay but it would be nice if I didn't have to answer the same damn question the same damn way every five minutes. "Better." I look up as my mom plops two hot-off-the-press pancakes onto my plate.

 "Good! I brought you something." Amanda reaches into her pocket and there is an old bottle cap. I collect them so everytime someone I know sees them they make sure to give them to me. "It's from the party last night." 

"Thank you it's awesome." I study the faded red cap in my hand as Amanda smiles at me. 

"Eat up girls your pancakes are gonna get cold!" My mom reminds us as she flips another pancake on the stove.

I start to eat but for some reason the strong smell of the batter makes me feel sick to my stomach. I start to feel dizzy and light-headed too. "I'm gonna go lay down in my room."

"Honey are you all right?" My mom turns around looking concerned.

"I just don't feel too well." I get up as Cam and Manda tell me that they'll come upstairs after they are finished eating. But to be completely honest I really don't want them to. I just want to sleep until this whole situation goes away and until my life is finally back to normal.  

Niall's POV- 12:30 pm:

I open my eyes to see Liam shaking my shoulder rapidly and hear him yelling, "Niall! You gotta wake up!"

"What? Why? What time is it? Oh shit!" I stare around dazed and confused and then glance at my watch. We are leaving in fifteen minutes to go to LA.

"We let you sleep in but we gotta go mate! Now!" Liam grabs a sweatshirt and ripped jeans from my bag and hands them to me as I lift my tired body up and head to the bathroom. 

"Goodmorning sleepyhead." Harry is standing by the sink brushing his teeth when I walk into the bathroom and he laughs at my bed head hair. 

"I get it lad I slept in really late." Harry smirks and rinses his mouth out with water. "So has anybody heard anything about Eva?" I keep my eyes plastered on the tile floor trying not to get upset again.

"Uh no I don't think so. Sorry I know it's tough. I went through this before too." Harry wipes his face on a towel and looks at me with an understanding expression on his face.

"Yeah but Audrey didn't--"

"Avery." Harry cuts me off.

"Sorry. Avery didn't blackout and get rushed to the hospital right before you had to fly a thousand miles away." I start to get a little angry. Harry has no idea how it feels to not only miss Eva but to also worry about whether she is even conscious. 

"Okay. You're right I guess. I'm sorry I'm just trying to help." Harry starts to turn away.

"I'm sorry, that was rude of me. I didn't mean to make your heartbreak seem lesser than mine I'm just.. I'm just really lost and angry I guess." I realize that I'm being inconsiderate of Harry's feelings and he turns back around to face me again. 

"That's alright. I understand this is hard for you but you have to remember that Eva isn't the only girl for you." Harry glances at me again and then leaves to go get dressed. 

God I miss her. I can't explain it but I just feel empty without her. I know we only knew each other for two days but she is the first girl I have ever felt this way about. I want her so bad it hurts. I lift my shirt up over my head and replace it with a warm blue hoodie that Liam picked out. I pull up the jeans over my boxers and brush my teeth, not worrying about the mess that my hair is. 

"Alright let's head out troops." Paul yells from the other room and we all congregate near the door to the lot where the tour bus is. We tour half by bus and half by plane because some of the places we go are too far apart to drive to. 

"How long is this drive gonna be?" Louis asks Paul as he stares at his phone intently, probably typing a tweet for the fans.

"Probably longer than you'd like for it to be." Paul sasses Louis because Louis always does the same to Paul. 

"Alright sass." Louis looks up to give Paul a mean glare and places his eyes back on his phone screen. 

"Okay let's gooooo." Harry impatiently whines. 

"Just wait a second we gotta get the clear to go. There's some fans outside waiting for you." Paul blocks us all from opening to door to look.

All I can think is that out off all the screams I can hear from outside the metal door, not one of them is Eva's. 

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