Chapter 18- Along Came Johnathan

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Cameron's POV- 9:14 am:

It's Eva's first day back to school since her accident, which leaves both Amanda and I to be very worried. Mostly because we are aware that basically the whole school knows about what happend to her and they will most likely bombard her with questions. The good thing is that no one has knowledge of Eva's short-lived relationship with Niall Horan from the biggest boyband in the world. Now that would be a very very bad thing. 

Amanda and I have been debating whether or not we should tell Eva about what happened with Niall. Part of me is thinking, what's the harm? She won't remember anyway. But there is another part of me convinced that the news would just mess with her head. Imagine being told that you had a three-day-long relationship with Niall but you couldn't remember a thing about it. I'm pretty sure that would be devestating. Manda keeps telling me we should tell her, she's all excited about it still. But the thing with Manda is that she doesn't really think things through. She's the type to learn everything the hard way, simply because she doesn't know how to use her head to make decisions. She just goes for it, leaving Eva and I to clean up all the messes she makes. 

I don't want telling Eva to screw everything up. After all, she is still recovering from her coma and her stress levels are most likely at an all-time high. 

"Hey." Manda and I look up to see Eva standing awkwardly with her book bag.

"Hi... how has your day been so far?" I glance at the huge bags under her light green eyes. 

"Well english wasn't too fun. Ms. Ellington was explaining everything I missed to me in a voice you'd use when talking to a four-year-old. She thinks I'm stupid now or something." Eva lets out a fake chuckle and her face turns back to its previous emotionless expression. 

"Well Ms. Ellington is a bitch so don't even worry about her." Manda tries to make Eva feel a little better, "She can go suck a dick she's so fucking annoying." Leave it to Manda to take her comforting comment way too far. 

Eva actually laughs, for real this time. I watch her mouth form into a genuine smile and I can tell she is going to be just fine. She's a tough one, that girl. 

"Anyway, I gotta get to bio before my teacher sasses me again for being late." Eva refers to the fact that she is almost always late to class. She isn't too great with time managment. 

"Alright, meet me by the steps after school, I can drive you home." Eva's face lightens up as she scrambles through her bag to get something (probably chapstick, she can't live without it). She loves it when I drive her home because she knows a trip to Dunkin' Donuts is always included. 

"See ya!" Manda and Eva walk towards the sophmore classrooms and I head towards the junior classrooms. I glance back quickly and Eva has already turned her head to look back at me too. I hold up a thumb as a way of asking if she is alright and she smirks and holds her thumb up over her head as she turns around and walks off again. She is going to be okay. 

Eva's POV- 9:21 am: 

"Right there." My biology teacher points to an open seat next to a kid that doesn't look familiar at all. He explained that the class had gotten new lab partners because they were talking too much.

"Hi." The boy smiles as I place my bag on the floor and sit myself down at the wooden lab bench. 

"Hey." I try my best to remember his name but can't remember it for the life of me. 

As if reading my mind he whispers, "I'm Johnathan. I just moved to Kinsley." So that's why I don't recognize him. 

"Oh cool. I'm Eva, hopefully you'll like it here it's--" 

"Do I need to switch you two to different lab partners?" Mr. Shannon refers to the fact that we are talking while he is trying to teach.

"No, sorry. It was my fault, I started talking to her first." Johnathan defends me in a respectful tone to Mr. Shannon.

"Very well. Don't let me see you two talking again though because I will switch you to different lab partners." Mr. Shannon threatens in a monotone voice. Johnathan and I both nod our heads and chuckle when he turns his back to write on the board. 

I rip a little scrap of paper off of my worksheet and write, Is it Johnathan, or just John.. or Johnny..or Nathan? I slip the note over to him and he smiles at my many options for his name. What can I say, there are a lot of nicknames and such for the name Johnathan. 

He scribbles something on the same scrap of paper underneath my messy handwriting and pushes the note back to me, 


Ps. Eva, I like that name. 

I try my best not to blush as he smirks at me. He is really handsome. I watch his deep blue eyes as they read through his notes thouroughly. I have always been a sucker for blue eyes. His buzzcut dirty blonde hair frames his face perfectly. I've always been a sucker for buzzcuts, too. His lips look especially smoothe. I wonder if he is obsessed with applying chapstick like I am. I'm being creepy I need to stop looking at him. Shit he saw me staring. Goddamnit. 

I attempt to keep my eyes plastered to my notebook but can't help but look up at him every few minutes. All of a sudden he slides another scrap of paper over to my side of the lab bench and I can't help but grin at what it says,

Will you show me around here, Eva?

I love how he writes my name. It looks so great in his boyishly-messy penmanship. The bell rings and all the students get up as quickly as possible as Mr. Shannon attempts to keep us in the classroom as he explains our homework. That never works though. All the teachers at Kinsley High should know that by now. 

"Sure. I'd love to." I pack up my bag as Johnathan waits for me on his end of the lab bench. A smile that stretches from one ear to the other forms on his perfectly crafted face. 

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