Chapter 15- Home Sweet Home

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  • Dedicated to To my two favorite girls love you guys<333

Chapter 15-

Amanda’s POV- 5:45 pm:

“Hey what’s up babe?!” I swing my legs into Cody’s car and greet him with a kiss. Cameron and I spent about five hours talking and laughing with Eva back inside the hospital. Once visiting hours were over I called Cody to pick me up.


“Bye Manda! I’ll see you later tonight for a movie at my house?” Cameron interrupts Cody as she yells from the sunroof of her mom’s car (she had to be picked up because she didn’t have her car with her).

“Yeah, probably!” I hate making commitments to people so I always say “maybe” or “I’m not sure”. Eva and Cam get pissed off when I do that but I don’t like making things all set-in-stone, unlike Eva and Cam who have to have set schedules for just about everything. I wave to Cam as she pulls out of the hospital lot and turn my attention back to Cody, “So what were you saying?”

“Oh, well I was just going to ask how Eva was doing.” Cody’s eyes dart around like he is uncomfortable with asking about Eva. Him and Eva have never really gotten along too well, which is understandable I guess. The normal best friend vs. boyfriend drama is expected once someone is forced to play the third wheel.

“She’s fine. How were the three days without me? I didn’t think I could survive!” I put my hand on my chest and do a dramatic accent to make my response sound like it came out of a 90’s sitcom.

“Well I was pretty lonely. I mostly just played Xbox and basketball with Jeff. I missed you though, a lot.” Cody leans into me for another kiss and his soft dirty-blonde hair tickles my exposed forehead.

“I missed you too. So, where to?” I know that Cody is taking me out somewhere because Saturday is always date night.

“Well I was thinking, Mason Brooks is having a party cause his parents are out of town, so maybe we could swing by there?” I look at him and go to object but he speaks before I get the chance to, “it’s only a few people, all that you know and like. Please?”

“Fine. Only for a little while though.” I stare out the window as a mother and daughter swing through the revolving doors of the hospital. The little girl looks to be about ten and she has no hair, only leaving me to believe that she has some type of cancer.

All of a sudden my body lunges forward as Cody presses on the gas, hard, “Now what the hell was that for?” He has never been a very good driver but for goodness sakes we are in a hospital parking lot. You would think that he’d make a conscious effort to be a little more careful.

“Sorry.” Cody turns his blinker on to exit the hospital driveway and looks both ways.

“Whatever.” I take a second to think about whether or not I should tell Cody about all that happened while we were in Hartford, but part of me feels like it will be best for everyone if I just keep quiet for a little bit. The car is silent for a few minutes but then I grab my phone to make a post on instagram, “Smile!” I hold up my Iphone at an angle that both Cody and I are in the view of the camera. He sticks his tongue out in a playful way and I make a surprised face, “and….Posted!” I examine the post one more time, “My best boy and I are reunited at last!”  

Cameron’s POV- 6:10 pm:

“Which one do you think is better though? The spring lilac or the ocean breeze?” My mom holds two different body washes in her hands as I search for my favorite makeup removing wipes.

“Mom I honestly don’t know. They both smell good.” I answer her question without really paying attention and grab the light green package of wipes.

“You know what, I changed my mind. I’m going to go for the mandarin mango.” She picks up a new body wash that is a light peach color and tosses it into the red Target cart.  

My phone makes a little ding noise and I look down at the cracked screen,

1 New Message From: Liam Payne

Hey Cameron. I’m sorry to bother you but Niall is an absolute wreck. He needs Eva. Or he at least needs to know she is okay… how is she doing??? The boys and I are all worried about her…

I smile at the fact that Liam texted me instead of Amanda, considering that he got both of our numbers. I type out a quick response.

To: Liam Payne

Hey Liam. Eva got released from the hospital this afternoon. She is doing a lot better… but she had this thing called a fugue state… it’s hard to explain. Just give me a few hours and I’ll call you, okay?

From: Liam Payne

Okay sounds good. Tell her we said hi. How are you holding up Cam? Are you alright too?

My face lights up at the fact that he is asking about how I’m doing. Oh my god. I try my best to be cool.

To: Liam Payne

Okay I will. And yeah I’m doing alright, just a lot of stuff to take in haha. Anyway I’ll call you soon. Bye!

“Who are you texting?” My mom stands over my shoulder and I leap away.

“Oh god mom you scared me… Um just Amanda. She’s with Cody.” I can always use Amanda and Eva as backups if I don’t want my parents to know who I’m texting.

“Oh okay, tell her I said hello and that I bought popcorn for the movie tonight. Extra butter, just the way she likes it.” My mom points to a box of microwave popcorn in the cart.

“Okay. I’m just gonna head over to the dresses, I need one for the school dance next weekend.” I make my way over to some six foot tall mannequins with short, tight dresses on that barely cover their plastic butts.

Eva’s POV- 7:30 pm:

I sit at my dining room table with my family, eating my mom’s homemade broccoli casserole.

“So Dan, how’s your sophomore year been treatin’ ya?” I haven’t seen my brother since we went to help him set up his new dorm at New York University in the fall.

“Uh it’s fine. A lot of studying but not to say it isn’t a blast. The parties are insane this year.” Dan speaks with his mouth half-full with pieces of chewed up broccoli.

“First of all honey, it’s rude to chew like that. And secondly, please no talk of partying around your sister okay?” My mom jumps in to protect Livvy, who is currently taking her sweet time separating the broccoli from the casserole because she isn’t a huge fan of veggies.

“Yup mom. Got it.” Dan reaches for seconds from the pan in the middle of the square table.

“So Eva, how are you—“ My dad begins to check in with how I’m feeling but I cut him off.

“Please no talking about the concert or the concussion or the whatever-the-hell state it’s called. Please, I just don’t want to talk about it, alright?” I slide my chair out from the table and slowly get up to avoid any dizziness, “I’m going to bed, I have a headache.”

“Honey, it’s not even eight yet.” My mom touches my hand with a concerned look on her face.

I detach my hand from hers and give her a kiss on the cheek, “Goodnight.”

I make my way up the stairway one stair at a time and then enter my room which is dirtier than usual. At least three different objects trip me by the time I reach my light switch, which I then turn on and grab my guitar. This headache is nothing a little song writing can’t fix.

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