Chapter Two First Meal in France

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Chapter Two First Meal in France

Julie held Thalia into her arms until Bev dismissed the Canadian players. Bev came over to Thalia and Julie and noticed that Thalia was asleep. Bev let Julie and Thalia relax while she took their bags upstairs and then went back down and woke Julie up. Bev then picked Thalia up before walking to their room with Julie walking by her side. Thalia woke up for a split second when she was moved from her mom to her mama's arms.

Once they got to the room Julie let them in the room, Bev walked into the room and straight to the bedroom and put Thalia on to the bed and made sure she was safe and snuggled up with her teddy in her arms.

Bev and Julie went to where the sofa and TV was and cuddled up and watched some TV while waiting for Thalia to wake up so they could go sightseeing and get some late lunch/ early dinner. Thalia woke up around an hour later. Thalia came out rubbing her eyes and then went to the sofa where her mom and mama were.

Thalia dove into her mom's arms. They spent the next ten minutes like that before they decided to get up and get ready to go sightseeing. Thalia was excited to go sightseeing and she was jumping up and down and chewing on her necklace. Bev came over to Thalia and gave her a bone crushing hug to calm her down a bit before they went to see the sights and go and get a nice tea. They went and saw the Basilique Norte Dame de Fourviere and then went to Bulle - Restaurant de Fourviere.

Thalia thoroughly enjoyed the sightseeing and couldn't wait to see more of the town. They chose to have a set menu which was a starter, 2 mains and a dessert.

The starter was Butternut cream soup with gingerbread, fine pumpkin shavings and cinnamon sponge biscuit. There Mains were Buckwheat Risotto with Parmesan, Porcini Mushrooms Vin Jaune emulsion and walnut slivers. Tortellini stuffed with Mushrooms, spinach and chestnuts, whipped milk with green cardamom. Then they had Fromage Blanc from Etrez, raspberry coulis.

They thoroughly enjoyed their meal. Thalia struggled with the texture of the mushrooms but was able to eat most of it and they had got chips on the side for her as an alternative. They then walked to the taxi bank to get a taxi to their hotel and went to their room. This was a good way to introduce Thalia to France and their foods. They had training in the morning before Thalia, Bev and Julie went to meet Emma and Dawn. Thalia needed to know the routine and to get her head around it because it would be different. Bev and Julie wanted to talk to them about her medication and everything else that they needed to discuss.  

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