Chapter Thirteen Training Preparation for England

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Chapter Thirteen Training Preparation for England

Once they watched the movie Thalia didn't know what to do. She didn't know wether she should hug Ashley and Rose or to leave them. Thalia soon bottled the nerve and went out with Ash and Ali to their room. Thalia was hating on herself that she didn't have the courage to give Ashley and Rose a hug. Thalia knew that it would come with time and knew that the self doubting would go away with time and getting to know them.

Once they were back in the room they all got ready for bed before Thalia went to her bed and Ash and Ali to theres. Thalia knew she wanted to give Ash and Ali sometime for themselves sometime in the tournament. Thalia fell to sleep in no time and only woke up once before the alarm going off which was a good night for her.

Thalia was the first one awake and got ready before waiting for Ash and Ali to get ready once they woke up. They had an early breakfast before they waited 2 and a half hours before they started their training. Thalia went to Ash and Ali "so I was thinking of staying in one of the others rooms tonight to give you two some space" explained Thalia. Ash and Ali looked at each other the gesture was appreciated but there were logistics as to who she would stay with. "Who would you want to stay with" asked Ash "I'm not sure" replied Thalia.

Thalia was in half a mind to stay with Ashley and Rose but then is it rushing things. Thalia wanted to start a conversation with Ashley and Rose but she didn't know how. Thalia had self doubt of what to say. Thalia was thinking to her self when Ali spoke, "how about you stay with Ashley, Rose and Mal" suggested Ali. Thalia nodded her head she liked that idea of not being completely alone with them. She silently thanked Ali for her suggestion. Ali then got on the phone and organised it for after the England Friendly Game.

Ash, Ali and Thalia had time to chill before they got into there training gear and went to the field where they were training before they hit the gym. Thalia was paired up with Mal and she found her self getting on with Mal they had many of the same interest. Once they finished on the field they all headed to the gym where Emma had reserved it for the hour. 

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