Chapter Five Talia meets Ash and Ali

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Chapter Five Talia meets Ash and Ali

After ten minutes later Thalia popped her head back up and snuggled into her mom. Thalia was mom involved with Julie than Bev but she still loved them equally. Thalia will go to her mama for different reasons than her mom. Bev and Julie was fine with that. They chose to go down for dinner before having a zoom call with Emma and Dawn before Thalia starts tomorrow.

Julie was going to go with her tomorrow as Bev would have training and she would rather have Julie but they both knew that Bev wasn't far away. They all got ready to bed. Thalia cuddled in between her mom and mama, Thalia had her head on her mama's chest and clutched her mom hand. Thalia soon feel to sleep and her moms wasn't too far behind her.

Before anyone knew it the alarms was going off and they were completing there morning routine before Bev went to training. Thalia and Julie was going to the US hotel after the Bev left for the airport as they needed to fly to Stade de la mosson. Where Canada would face Cameroon. Bev was soaking up the hugs she was getting from Thalia. Bev knew that she wouldn't get this often for a few weeks.

Thalia and Julie waved Bev goodbye as she left for training before there first game. Thalia and Julie got Thalia ready to go to Holiday Inn and meeting the USWNT team. Julie and Thalia got into the taxi and made their way to the Holiday Inn. As Thalia and Julie arrived at the Hotel, Julie saw that Dawn and Emma was waiting outside the hotel with Ash and Ali. Julie got out first to give Thalia time to get herself settled before exiting the taxi.

While Thalia was prepping herself Julie got out and got her suitcase out went and talked to the four that was waiting for them. Julie was talking to them about Thalia and all her needs and made sure they had a structured timetable in place. So that Thalia knew what was happening and when. Thalia then got out of the taxi and went into mom's arms. Thalia then looked up and saw them looking at her. Julie turned Thalia around to face them and then told Thalia who they were and who she was staying with. Thalia, Julie, Ash, Ali, Dawn and Emma all went up to Ali and Ash's room. 

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