Chapter Three The First Breakfast in France

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Chapter Three The First Breakfast in France

They all got ready for bed before settling into bed. Thalia slept in the same bed as her mom and mama as it would be the last for a month, maybe more but she knew that if she called them they would both be there. Julie was the first one awake in the morning; she normally was up early to make Thalia's day as seamless as possible.

Julie layed in bed sandwich between Thalia and Bev and she loved every minute of it but she knew that she needed to get up and make a list of foods that Thalia could eat and the foods that she couldn't stand. Julie made sure that everyone knew this list back home because of Thalia's independence and they didn't want that to be ruined even if they were in France. Julie managed to move out without waking Thalia or Bev; she knew they both could have an extra 10 minutes before waking them up.

Julie got to work on Thalia's safe food and her no go foods as she liked to call them. Thalia has made progress when they adopted Thalia she could only tolerate around 50 foods she now can tolerate close to 250 foods.

Julie was working on the list of foods, sound and triggers when Thalia came out burrowed herself in her moms arms. Julie wrapped her arms around her before kissing her head. Julie looked up when she sensed Bev coming out of the room. Julie and Bev smiled at each other before Bev came and pecked Julies lips. Thalia scrunched her nose up so Bev kissed her nose.

They soon all was getting ready for breakfast and then the meeting with Emma and Dawn. Julie held onto Thalia hand on the way down she hadnt had her medication yet so she was a bit hyper. Thalia morning medication is Dexametamine, Methylphenidate, Iron, Benzodiazepines, Adderall, Concerta, Multivitamins and Sertraline. Thalia had to take them with her breakfast in the morning, in the evening she has a snack to take her medication.

Thalia chose to have a full english breakfast but without tomatoes and mushroom and black pudding that was on her no list. Thalia had her medication and slowly started to calm down when the medicine starts to kick in and take effect.

Julie, Bev and Thalia was soon getting ready to go to the Holiday Inn Lyon where the USWNT team was staying. Bev had messaged Emma and Dawn to let them know they were on their way. Thalia was extremely nervous about the meeting and it showed but they walked to the hotel so she was able to get the nervous energy out buy doing jump walking. 

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