Chapter Four The Talk With Emma and Dawn

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Chapter Four The Talk With Emma and Dawn

They soon arrived at the hotel Julie and Thalia waited outside the hotel until Bev called them in and they went straight into the meeting room. They saw that the chairs had been moved to give Thalia the room to pace or bounce if needed. Bev and Julie looked at each other and smiled they knew that Thalia would be safe with them.

Julie, Bev, Dawn and Emma sat down and went over everything that Julie wrote down that would trigger Thalia. While that was taking place Thalia was pacing and jumping to try and keep her ADHD at bay. Thalia wanted her weighted blanket and cuddles but knew she couldn't have that at the moment but she might get some when back at hotel so she was pacing to keep her anxiety down.

Before Thalia knew it they were heading towards Emma's room. They were going to her room to meet who Thalia was going to stay with. They waited for around ten to fifteen minutes before Dawn came in the door with Ash and Ali, they all made the introductions. Julie spotted Thalia messing with her fingers so she held her arms out to Thalia and jumped into them. Thalia snuggled into moms arms.

Thalia listened to her moms heartbeat as they explained her medication and sleep routine and how her hormones are different to theres. Thalia felt her body relax in her moms arms and listening to her heartbeat. Her mom also felt her body relax into her. Julie knew if they didn't move soon that she would fall asleep. Julie looked at Bev and glanced her eyes to Thalia as to say they needed to go otherwise she would be asleep. Julie and Bev finished up there conversation stating that Thalia was falling asleep and could they come back later after Thalia had a rest so they could introduce Thalia to Ash and Ali. Dawn, Emma, Ash and Ali all said yes in unison. Bev then lead the way back to there hotel and up to there room. Thalia held on to her mom and mamas hand all the way back home.

They soon got to the hotel room and Thalia ran straight in and went for her weighted blanket her mom and mama found her on her bed trying to get sensory relief. Julie and Bev looked at each other before they went over to Thalia and they put in between them in a sandwich. 

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