Chapter Ten The Letter

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Chapter Ten The Letter

Ash and Ali soon got to there room. Ash went and set Thalia on her bed. Ash removed Thalia's shoes and then covered her with a blanket. Ash and Ali then got ready for bed they chose to watch a movie before going to bed.

Thalia was woken up by the alarms going off. Thalia still felt tired but she was ready for the day and to have another training session. Thalia was the first one to wake up and went and got ready in the bathroom. When Thalia came back to the room, Ali and Ash was just waking up. "Good Morning" expressed Thalia. "Good Morning Thalia" replied Ash and Ali.

Thalia then went to the lounge area and chose to put on fish hooks. Thalia was interested into the cartoon that she didn't hear Ash and Ali coming up to her. Thalia was care free at the minute.

Thalia jumped when she saw Ali and Ash. Ash then handed the letter that Ashely and Rose gave her last night. Ash and Ali then sat down by her and watched the TV. Thalia opened the letter and tired to read it but wasn't able to read it. Thalia turned to Ash " can you read it to me" asked Thalia "of course" replied Ash.

"Hi Thalia, we would like to take you on a date and if you want to bring Ash and Ali if it makes you comfortable and thats what we want. Thalia we want to know you for all your flaws. We Know that you have Autism and ADHD but that doesn't define you and we want you all of you. Thalia you are no less to me or Ashley. Whenever your comfortable we will be waiting it is your pace kind regard Rose and Ashley " Ash read the letter.

Thalia didn't know what to say or to do. Thalia knew that she would need to respond to the letter but she wasn't sure what she was going to say. Thalia sent a text to her moms asking there advice. Thalia knew that her soulmate mark would want her to be closer to Rose and Ashley but she didn't know how to accommodate it.

Thalia decided to put her focus on the cartoon that was on the tv because her mind was making her doubt herself. 

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