Chapter Eight Thalia Talks to her moms

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Chapter Eight Thalia Talks to her moms

Thalia went straight into Ash's arms which surprised everyone but Thalia felt safe in her arms. Ash hugs remind her of her mom's hugs which remind her of home. Everyone was shocked that she went to Ash but they were glad that she had someone that she is comforted by someone.

Thalia stayed in her arms until it was time to go back to the hotel but she didn't let go off Ash. Ash and Ali lead Thalia to their hotel room. Ashley and Rose followed them but Ali told them to give her sometime this is all new to her.

Once they were in the hotel room Thalia dived on her bed and covered her self trying to get pressure to get release. Ash and Ali left Thalia they were warned that if she need them she would seek them out. It was 10 minutes later when thalia came out in a blanket seeking comfort. Ash and Ali were cuddled up on the sofa and when they saw Thalia.

Ali switched with Ash so Ali was holding Ash and Ash was holding Thalia to give her some pressure relief. Once Thalia had found the pressure she was seeking. "How did you two know that you found your soulmates" asked Thalia. Ash and Ali looked at each other at talked through their looks "shall we call your mom and mama" replied Ali.

Thalia nodded her head. Ash rang Julie and Bev. "Hi Bev, Julie we were just talking about soulmates and I think that you two need to be involved in" said Ali once they got them on the phone. Thalia then explained to them what had happened with Ashley and Rose. She didn't know what to do. Thalia was confused and couldn't get her thoughts straight. Thalia listened to what her moms did when they met and what Ash and Ali did. It helped sort through her emotions and thoughts. Thalia loved speaking to her mom and mama.

Once Thalia had finished speaking to her moms she thanked them and Ash and Ali. Thalia then went in the bathroom for a shower. Ali gave Rose and Ashley a text to say that they need to be patient with Thalia and they understood. Once Thalia was out of the bathroom. Ash and Ali took turns going into the bathroom and get ready for dinner. Once Thalia was ready she was watching the TV waiting for Ash and Ali. Ash and Ali was getting ready when they saw Thalia belly laughing at a cartoon. Ali took a video to send to Julie and Bev.

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