Chapter Fourteen Thalia Weights Challenge

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Chapter Fourteen Thalia Weights Challenge

Thalia walked with Ash, Ali and Mal. Thalia felt herself relaxing with Mal quickly and relaxing more with Ash and Ali. Once they were all in the gym. Emma and Dawn split them up into there positions. Lucky Thalia was with Mal. Once it came to Thalia turn on the leg press she saw the weights on 20 pounds. Thalia turned to Dawn, "Dawn is this meant to get our muscles working or just a light work out" asked Thalia. "Legs working" answered Dawn. "That wont do it for me so could i have in to 120 pounds please" asked Thalia. Dawn was shocked but then moved the weight and then she documented it.

Everyone was shocked that she can leg press that much, but it would explain the muscles that Thalia had. They keep forgetting she was around the Canadian team for many years so she used to have competitions with them. At the end of the gym session Thalia had impressed Emma and Dawn. Thalia went over to the rope and then looked at Dawn "could I climb this please" asked Thalia. Dawn nodded her head and then watched as Thalia climbed the rope and then climbed down to half way and then jumped the rest.

Thalia then shook her arms out and she felt relaxed.

Thalia then turned around and saw a lot of shocked faces. Thalia just smirked "did you all forget that I spent years with the Canadian National Team" stated Thalia. Thalia smirked at them when she saw shocked expressions on the faces of her team mates. Once they stopped being shocked they all left the gym room. Thalia and Mal then ran off teasing each other. Thalia then bet Mal to her room door. They then waited for the rest of the team.

Once Ash and Ali got to them Ash opened the door to let Thalia in and then said bye to the team. Thalia had already said bye to Mal when she saw Ash and Ali approaching. Thalia snagged the first shower. Thalia loved having the first shower because it smelt fresh but she was going to tell Ash and Ali that she didnt want them to think she is more weird than what she is. 

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