Chapter Six Thalia meets the USWNT

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Chapter Six Thalia meets the USWNT

Thalia was quiet but Julie expected that and knew that she was reflecting on everything. On this Camp Julie knew that Thalia would be having first and a lot of them. Julie had made piece with this and was able to support her through the preparations that they had made. Julie hoped that Thalia would be okay because sometimes in football they needed to make changes in a moment notice. Julie and Bev have been trying to get Thalia ready for that too.

Thalia was very shy to start with but Ash managed to get out her shell a bit talking about skateboarding and surfing. Thalia loved doing skateboarding all the time. Surfing is something she does when she goes to the beach with her mama. Thalia started to open up slowly and Julie loved seeing this and it made her smile that Thalia would be open to staying here without her. Ash and Ali talked to Thalia while Julie was talking to Dawn and Emma and everything that they had put into place for Thalia and Juile couldn't be more grateful.

Soon it was time for lunch, the USWNT had trained this morning Thalia was sticking my her mom's side for the first interaction. Thalia was starting to open up but she sat with Ali, Ash, Dawn and Emma. Thalia knew that she would have to say goodbye to her mom until she sees her next to time. Thalia was secretly hoping it would be soon.

Once everyone was finished their dinner Thalia waited until everyone had filtered out before she went out with Ash and Ali. Thalia said goodbye to her mom and gave her a bone crushing hug before she went with Ash and Ali to their room and watched Up. Thalia loved the movie Up and it helped calm her emotions over her mom and mama. Ali came to Thalia with her medication which she took without any problems. They then all got ready for bed because it would be an early morning with training before breakfast and then shower, breakfast and team bonding. Thalia couldn't wait to start her first USWNT camp.

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