savannahclaw-chapter 2: something happened

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As I walk over to the door I see Chris standing there shaking, he looked tired and out of breath.

Wimothy- Chris!?

Chris- *huff* *huff*

He didn't say anything and just put his head on my shoulder. He was shaking so much. Is he okay?

Chris- *huff* *huff* hey wimothy. . .

Wimothy- Chris. Are you okay?

Chris- s-sorry *huff* just *huff* tired that's all. . .

Wimothy- you are sweating a lot. Can you explain?

Chris- *huff* yes I will *huff* just give me a minute.

I let Chris catch his breath a bit.

Chris- sorry to scare you, Leona was just teaching me how to play spell drive.

Wimothy- oh yeah! The spell drive tournament! I get to represent ramshackle this year! You're gonna love it! Although last year I did get hit in the face by grim sooo. . . Just be careful

Chris- well it seems really fun! I'm excited!

I can't let her see my fear. . .

"I'm trying not to go mad."



The next day at lunchtime cater came to me with an exited look

Cater- wimothy!~♪

Wimothy- hey cater!

Cater- guess what! We have a new member for pop music club!

Wimothy- really!? That's great news!

Cater- yeah! Since Crissy joined us that makes us four!

Wimothy- Chris joined you guys?

Cater- yup! I was totes excited when he walked in. Only thing his he kinda freaked when I told him I'm trans. . .



Chris- thanks for inviting me to your club Cate! You're the man!

Cater- oh yeah I forgot to tell you but. . .

Chris- huh?

Cater- I'm a transgender.

Chris- ehhh!?



Cater- yeah after that he didn't stop apologizing for miss gendering me. Hehe.

Wimothy- he can get like that. He's always hyper apologetic about everything! But he is a sweet guy. If you wanna know more, ask nitro, his boyfriend.

Cater- HOLD UP! pause! Did you just say. . . Boyfriend!?

Wimothy- whoops. . .

Cater- no! No! Not that I judge! But I didn't know that!

Wimothy- but yeah him and nitro are dating.

Cater- well that's good for them. *And certainly for nitro. . .

Wimothy- did you say something?

Cater- nope nothing!

As soon as the bell rang for next class me and cater parted ways. Once classes ended for the day I headed to the library to meet trey, I do hope he's doing alright after what happened the other week.

Trey- hey wimothy.

Wimothy- hey trey.

Trey- grim isn't here with you?

Wimothy- he's back at the dorm.

Trey- I'm guessing he didn't want to come here to read, huh?

Wimothy- yup, he really hates reading.

Deuce- hey, senpai, wimothy

Trey- oh yeah. I forgot to mention that deuce is gonna join us today.

Wimothy- that's alright, c'mon over here deuce.

We all sit down and engage in our magical studies, me and trey help out deuce if he struggles with something, and me and trey read the library books I checked out. Just then we hear someone shouting outside, it sounds like a fight?

Wimothy- what was that?

Trey- it sounds like someone was hurt.

Deuce- we need to help them!

The three of us rush out to see Chris in an altercation with three other people from Savannahclaw.

Wimothy- Chris!?

Trey- hold on wimothy.

Chris- give it back!!

???- why should we give it to you, huh!?

???- exactly what are you gonna do to us!?

Chris- ah! Grr. . .

Chris is snarling at the three of them, but it's not working. The three boys aren't fazed at all. One of the pushes him against the wall.

Chris- what exactly do you want me to do to get it back!?

???- cough up 1,000 marks and we're good!

Chris- are you for real!? I don't have that many!!

???- how about I just take those marks from you!! If you don't hand em over I'll make you.

Chris- you ain't gettin' nothin' !!

Chris swings at the first boys face

???- you just don't know when to quit do ya?

The boy shows his claws as Chris steps back in fear, he swings and claws his eye.  Before the other boys could swing at him deuce steps in.

Deuce- hey! You ain't layin' a finger on 'em!!!

???- ugh there he is, c'mon let's go. . .

???- yeah let's go. . .

Before the last one leaves he grabs Chris's head and pushes it against the wall.

???- I want you to remember this for the next time we meet, that you will never be anything more then just a stupid, weak, singing fox!

He throws him to the side and walks away, deuce can't catch up to him no matter how hard he tries.

Deuce- hey! Get back here! We ain't through with you yet!!! Come back ya cowards!!!

They were already gone I run over to Chris to see if he's okay, trey following me.

Wimothy- Chris!? Oh my God. Chris they really did claw you.

Trey- we need to get him patched up. C'mon Chris-

Chris- no!

Chris pushed my hand away

Chris- i- I can go myself. . .

Chris never acts like this. . . Is it because. . .




Savannahclaw book 2: the wild song of fearWhere stories live. Discover now