Savannahclaw-chapter 3: not just a living punching bag

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Deuce- those guys. . . Why would they try to hurt him! Ugh I should've got 'em!!!

Trey- calm down, deuce. You're gonna lose it again.

Deuce- sorry, senpai. . .

I see that wimothy is sitting in the corner

Deuce- wimothy? Are you alright?

Wimothy- that's weird he usually doesn't push me away when I try to help him. Is he. . .

Trey- hey now. We all need to relax, let's not think too much about this.

Wimothy- y-you're right. Chris is strong, I know he is. He'll be okay.



In the infermary

Chris was cleaning himself up but nothing could stop him from shaking so much, tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he tended to the bruises on him.

Through Shakey breaths he whispers

Chris- everything is going to be okay. . .

" You'll get your way, eventually"

"Is this what you're intending?"

The words from that boy still echoed in his mind.

"Just a stupid, weak, singing fox!"



The first drop falls

He will break soon. . .

Only time will tell. . .



Back at Savannahclaw students were talking about a fight near the library.

Ruggie- jack. Did ya hear what happened?

Jack- about the fight, yeah.

Ruggie- I heard Chris took quite the beating, poor thing.

Jack- wait. That was Chris!?

Ruggie- sheesh! Not so loud!

Jack- ruggie, where is he right now?

Ruggie- I'm pretty sure he's in his room right now, w-

Jack- okay, thanks!

And with that jack ran off

Ruggie- hey wait a minute!!!

Over in Chris's room, he was busy tending to his bruises when he heard a knock at the door.

Chris- uh just a second.

Jack could hear some shuffling inside, it was like he was rushing to hide something and then he opened the door.

Jack- Chris! Are you alright!?

Chris- Jack? What are you doing here?

Jack- I heard you got into a fight today. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?

Chris stayed silent for a while and looked down at his feet. Then he looked back up at me and smiled

Chris- well I did get a few bruises. But I'm alright! You don't have to worry about me! Ha ha

Jack- oh . . . Okay.

It's like he was hiding something, he has to be! I'll keep a close eye on him.

He's hiding something. I know he is.




Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

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