Savannahclaw- chapter 13: the fearful flames

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It was too late now. . .

There stood Chris, but he was not the same. He woar ragged clothing and armor on top, his arms were covered in bandages, scratches and cuts all over his face and legs. Flames followed his every move as his phantom watched from behind. Tears fall from his face.

Ob chris- . . . What have you done. . .

Wimothy- no. . .

Leona- we were too late. . .

Ob chris- Leona. . . What have you done. . .

Leona- Chris! I tried to help

The flames engulfed everything in the dorm, me and Leona head up to high ground to avoid burning. Chris started attacking us as we scrambled to the top, he was right on our tails with fire trailing behind him. Finally we reach the top, it's there we finally face Chris.

Ob chris- you kept me from others. . . You isolated me from those I love!

Leona- Chris, I'm sorry i-

Ob chris- DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT SAYING MY NAME! the damage is already done. You were the witch who locked me away in this god forsaken prison! Now you can watch it burn!

Wimothy- Leona we're gonna have to fight him!

Leona- don't worry, Chris. Well get you back!

Fire burning the ground below us it was now or never! If we fall we're done for. . . Just then I heard someone shouting from the wreckage below it was ruggie and jack! Or at least I thought, I couldn't see through the flames but it sounded like them!

Ruggie- wimothy! Leona! Are y'all okay!?

Jack- wimothy! Are you hurt!?

Wimothy- guy!? GUYS!!

Leona- shit! I don't think they can hear us!

Chris starts attacking us from behind

Wimothy- uh Leona we have bigger problems!

However Chris wasn't firing at me, he was attacking Leona!

Leona trys his best to dodge the attacks but Chris hits him anyways hitting him closer and closer to the edge.

Ob chris- and since you're the witch. . . Might as well burn like one.

He snarled as he pushed Leona to the very edge.

Leona- Chris, I'm sorry! I didn't know-

Ob chris- SILENCE!

Chris swept his legs out from under him. Leona was now hanging over the edge, Chris buried his claws into his arms.

Leona- argh! Wimothy! Are you still there!?

Wimothy- Leona!

From down below I could hear Jack and ruggie shouting.

Ruggie- Leona!

Jack- hang in there were coming!

They were fighting their way through the flames.

Leona- Chris. . . Please. . . I never meant for this to happen, I wanted to keep you safe!

Ob Chris- your so called "precautions" did NOTHING for me! So now ILL GET RID OF ALL OF YOU SO I CAN GET RID OF HER!

With one slash. . . Chris sent Leona falling off the edge

Ob Chris- long live the king. . .

Wimothy- NO!

In order to save him I use ice magic so he can easily slide down, it also takes care of the fire below.

Ruggie- Leona! Are you alright!?

Leona- ugh. . . Wimothy. . . She's still up there!

Ruggie- jacks running up there right now!

Jack- wimothy!

Wimothy- Jack! You're here!

I look at jacks arm and see that he's burned.

Wimothy- Jack, you-

Jack- don't worry I'm okay. . . Let's save Chris. . .

Wimothy- Chris! I hope your ready!

Ob chris let out a chuckle before preparing for battle.

Ob chris- hahaha. . . Burn!





Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

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