Savannahclaw-chapter 11: no use

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Wimothy- headmage! Headmage open up!!

I bang desperately in the headmages door, at this point I'm already back to ugly crying. After awhile the headmage opens the door

Crowley- alright, alright! I heard you what's going o- oh my seven!! Wimothy!? What in twisted wonderland has you so disheveled?

I try to calm myself down that way Crowley can understand what I'm saying. After calming down I finally tell him.

Wimothy- s-sorry headmage. . . It's just that. . . Chris. . . He. . .

I can barely form words but I slowly manage to tell him

Wimothy- I. . . I saw him getting beat up by three other students. . . And I didn't know what to do.

Crowley- you did the right thing coming to me. Now, could you tell me the names of these students?

I sit down and tell him everything I saw, about how I saw him get beat up by those boys before, and about how Leona told me not to talk to him anymore, and on top of that, chris is clearly going through something.

Crowley- I see. . . So willowfire isn't doing well? I must say, I don't condone Leona's way of handling this. . . But I must ask, is he restricting anyone else?

Wimothy- not that I know of. . .

Then we hear a knock at the door.

Crowley- come in!

The door opens and in walks Jack, ruggie and cater.

Jack- there you are, wimothy!

Wimothy- Jack? Why are you here? Actually, why are you all here?

Jack- I just saw you running here and decided to follow.

Ruggie- but there's more. Leona told everyone not to see, talk or interact with Chris.

Cater- he even told me not to, same with Lilia and kalim.

Crowley- it seems it's gotten worse. Leona isn't allowing anyone near him?

Ruggie- yeah we just wanted to come and tell you that.

Jack- he won't even let us in the dorm because of it.

Crowley- excuse me?

Ruggie- yeah he won't let us in, and we can't even get our-

Crowley- THAT DOES IT!!!

Wimothy- headmage is something wrong?

Crowley- everything about this is wrong!!!! No student should NEVER keep another student locked away!

Jack- well what should we do!? Spell drive tournament is in two days!

Crowley- well there's only one thing to do. We'll have to confront Leona! I will not have any of this in my school!

Wimothy- but how are we gonna get in there?

Crowley- well just have to reason with him. Meet me here tomorrow!

All- yes headmage.





Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

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