Savannahclaw- chapter 9: new rule

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This dream again? But this time it wasn't in that same castle, it was in a tower. I see the same girl sitting with that woman, they were talking about something.

" Why can't I go outside, mother? "

" The outside world is a dangerous place for little girls like you. You're safe with me, okay?"

"Yes mother."

Leona- (she's so obedient. . . Why is she behaving like this when he mother is locking her in!?)




I wake up back in my room. Why would she keep her locked up!? Not to mention be so obedient? Kinda like-

Ruggie- hey Leona! Classes start soon!

Leona- oh yeah. . . I'm ready!

The spell drive tournament is in two days, gotta get practice done, I just hope Chris is doing better. I walk out to the main entrance to see ruggie waiting for me.

Leona- is Chris not here?

Ruggie- no. . . He left early to get training over with.

Leona- hows he feeling?

Ruggie- dunno. He seemed okay to me.

Leona- I just hope he's feeling better.



*Passing period*

Wimothy- ugh. . . I hate spell drive practice. . .

Cater- yup you can say that again. . .

Trey- *sigh* you guys. . . Spell drive tournament is important. Not to mention wimothy has her own team now.

Grim- mrah! That's true! So we gotta give it our all!

Trey- well I hope you don't pull a stunt like last year.

Grim- hey! That was an accident!

Wimothy- oww. . . Trey carry me please. . .

Trey- walk it off, wimothy. You'll be fine.

Wimothy- ugh, thats the last time I ever pull a stunt like that ever again. . .

Cater- that was a good move though!

All of a sudden, once we reach the stairway, we hear shouting from behind us.


ruggie came darting past us knocking me and trey over. Damnit we can't have a repeat of what happened last year!




Flashy backy

Deuce- guys!!!

Wimothy- what the hell! What's up deuce?

Deuce- it's trey! He got hurt!!

Ace- well why didn't you say something, let's go! Hurry!!



End flashy backy

Shit! I gotta act fast! I grab trey from behind and let him land on me, it hurt but it's better me than him.

Ruggie- sorry!

Deuce- ugh. . . That bastard- Oh shit! Wimothy, trey senpai, cater senpai!

Wimothy- oww. . . That hurt.

Trey- oh god! Wimothy!? Sorry! That was on me!

Wimothy- I mean. . . It's better me than you. oww.

Cater- you both okay!?

Grim- mrah! Henchhuman! Stay with me!

Grim starts shaking my arm.

Wimothy- grim I'm fine!

Deuce- sorry about that, it's just that ruggie stole my food. . . IM SO SORRY!

Trey- it's fine deuce! I'm fine.

Deuce and cater help us up, it's a good thing I didn't get hurt badly. As we talk for a little bit longer cater heads off to his next class.

Cater- welp I gotta run, cay-cay sighnin' off!

Wimothy- later!

Trey- also deuce shouldn't you be in potionology by now?

Deuce- ack! You're totally right! I'm gonna be late! Uh BYE!!!

Trey- *sigh* classic deuce. . . Oh yeah, did Chris say anything?

Wimothy- well I didn't actually say anything to him. But when I was leaving Leona told me not to talk to him again! Like what the hell!?

Trey- Leona told you that!?

Wimothy- yeah! He told me not to talk to him. Like that's my friend!!

Trey- wimothy. . . That means something IS wrong.





Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

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