Savannahclaw- chapter 6: terrifier

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Its been hours and leona still hasnt come out of his room. Is he sleeping or something? No! Because if he was sleeping he would have been up by now. I should go check up on him.

Ruggie- leona? Are you awake?

No response. so i knock again. . .

Ruggie- leona. . . are you in there?

No response. . .again. So i knock a third time.

Ruggie- leona! Are. you. Awake!?

Leona- go away. . .

He finally responded.

Ruggie- leona its been hours!

Leona- so? Just leave me alone.

Ruggie- leona y-

Leona- ruggie! Just get outta here!

Why is leona acting like this? Did something happen? Wasnt he talking with chris earlier? bu t then i heard silent cries coming from chris's room. . . something did happen. I rush over to check on him.

I slowly open the door.

Ruggie- chris? Are you okay?

Chris- . . . ruggie?

Ruggie- chris why are you crying? Did something happen?

Chris wipes the tears frome his face.

Chris- o-oh. . . im fine. I just prevented a panicattack. . . but im okay now.

Ruggie- did something happen?

Chris- well uh. . . i was just stressed out about practice today. . . sorry. . .

Ruggie- at least your alright now. Also you dont need to apologise about it.

Chris- but i feel like i ruined it for you guys.

Ruggie- you didn't ruin anything for us, Ill leave you here to rest okay?

I place my hand on chris’s shoulder, he jumps a bit and gently brushes my hand off him.

Chris- d-dont touch me right now.

Ruggie- sorry, sorry. . . ill talk to you tomorrow, chris.

Once ruggie leaves, chris throws his beat up body onto his bed.

Chris- what is wrong with me? I should have told ruggie what happend with leona. . .




“Little voice ruining my sanity, evil dreams haunting me, dont you ever look my way.”

“Little voice ruining my consciousness, nothing left to reminisce, i would rather run away!”




The next day, wimothy spots trey and cater talking in the halls, their faces looked concerned? I wonder what happened.

wimothy- hey guys! whats going on?

trey- oh there you are wimothy. we wanted to ask you something.

wimothy- what happend?

cater- chris wasnt acting like his usual self today. when i went to go talk to him, he kinda jumped like i scared him. i didnt do anything too alarming did i?

wimothy- he usually acts like that after an episode, did he tell you at all?

cater- i mean he told me that yeasterday.

wimothy- weird. . . he should be fine by now.

trey- have you seen him at all today?

wimothy- no. . . but i think i know who has. . .

wimothys expresion faded into a disgusted frown

trey- if you want, i could go with you.

wimothy- please do. . .

i take treys hand and we head off to find nitro.




thanks for reading and have a good morning, good night, or good afternoon

Savannahclaw book 2: the wild song of fearWhere stories live. Discover now