Savannahclaw-chapter 4: a secret

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I wake up in a dream of some sort, I see a room, it looks like a castle. I see a baby in a cradle and a bright yellow glow emanating from it. A little baby girl sleeping peacefully.

Leona- (a baby girl with long golden hair? Where have I heard of that before?)

but then a hooded woman approached the cradle and took the child in her arms, but then guards burst through the door.

Leona-(what the!? Is she trying to steal her!?)

The woman makes her escape through the window with the child in hand.

Leona- (hey wait!)




Ruggie- Leona! Time to wake up!

ruggie called for me outside of my room. Ugh it was just a dream. . . But what was that woman doing? Was she stealing that child?

As I walk out to the main lounge area Jack and ruggie were waiting for me but. . . No sign of chris.

Leona- is Chris even awake yet?

Ruggie- I'll go find him.

But before ruggie left the room Chris finally entered the room.

Chris- sorry for keeping you all waiting, I had to clean up a bit.

Leona- it's cool. The only thing that matters is that you're here now. You ready to go practice?

Chris- you bet!

As Chris walks off with leona Jack couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. . . All of the bruises on Chris from what happened yesterday and he's. . . Fine?

But how can chris just be fine about this? Wasn't he attacked just yesterday? Somethings not right about this. Before i could think of anything ruggie grabbed my attention.

Ruggie- jack. What are you just standing there for? We need to get going!

Jack- s-sorry. . . hey ruggie?

Ruggie- hm?

Jack- did chris ever tell you about what happened to wimothy?

Ruggie stays silent before speaking up again.

Ruggie- yeah. . . actually i heard it through the grape vine. She got injured because of it. Why are you bringing this up now?

Jack- that's because chris was worried about her. After he found out he started panicking and ran to his room, i found him crying there and he ran to me saying stuff like what if he's next.

Ruggie- just cut him some slack, dude. He's a new guy here, he probably doesn't even know about overblot. . . or what it can do to you. . .

Ruggie seems physically ill after saying that.

Ruggie- maybe its best we don't tell him. . . we don't want to raise more panic. . .

Jack- but. . . you're right. . . lets not. . .

How is he so calm about this!? But. . . maybe he's right. . . maybe it is best to not tell him. . . i quickly follow ruggie out to the field to meet leona and chris.




Writers note
I'm so sorry for not updating this story I just lacked motivation for this. But I'm back and better than ever.

Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

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