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I was all hugs and smiles with Isaiah after he put the third dog tag on his own chain of tags which makes me wonder if it's a thing here where all of the veterans and military men wear their dog tags or they got so attached to them, they feel naked without them. I have no clue and I don't mind when Andre called for me to tell me that my steak was ready to be consumed and boy, was I so excited. I almost ran over to him but Bucky slowed my sprint to a mall walk and followed me over along with Isaiah where I was the first one to receive my food. I wanted to give Steve my plate so he could be the first since it is his birthday but he shook his head with a smile and grabbed his plate that Andre made for him and gave it to Bucky for the two of us to sit down at our table and start eating. We were incredibly grateful since respect here is a huge thing and when it is your day, you are served first in every way so the fact that he gave that up for us meant a lot.

Steve did eventually join us followed by Sam, Sarah, Charlotte, and Isaiah. The only person who I expected to follow as well was Peter but a quick glance around the dock with enhanced eyesight really helped me find my boy along with his two friends and Eli who shakes his hand, acting like he has absolutely no idea who he is. It doesn't last long when Eli, the insanely good liar and Peter, the insanely bullshit sniffer have a conversation where they doubt each other before they burst out into laughter and Eli holds out his hand with his fingers folded like Spiderman and Peter nods. Eli explains that he is safe and he only knows because of Isaiah which instantly reassured him, knowing his secret was safe when he glanced over at me and I winked, knowing he could see it.

Totally blaming the enhanced abilities on Bucky here.

Peter got it from him, not me.

You think the magic got me magnifying glasses as eyes? Get some super soldier serum inside of you and boom.

Yeah, that way too.

I knew Peter would spend his time with his friends and it doesn't bother me at all, I am also spending time with my friends and hardly talk to the men at all when Sarah, Charlotte, and I eventually get up to sit in the grass and continue our dinner. Bucky didn't care when he could still see me and helped grab me anything whenever I asked under my breath and his hearing caught up on it. He only offered after a long time because Charlotte was unknowingly getting tired of bouncing up and down for me, Emma, and the puppies that decided to picnic with us as well. Sage stayed by me with her head against my stomach to make sure no harm fell upon me which got me cooing and petting her big head that all pitbulls have. Sarah got us some s'mores makings because everyone knew that I would have to call it a night early because of the baby and no one was upset.

In fact, the kids loved that idea because it meant they got to see fireworks quicker.

That was a whole thing but before it could get too dark, Aj ran up to the house while Sarah got Steve's cake lit up and brought it over to the table where we celebrated his birthday. We waited for Aj to come back and Steve was surprised at the large wrapped painting he had in his hands but Bucky and I were all smiles and happy as we sang Happy Birthday to Steve and watched him open his present to gasp and press his lips in a smile at the portrait. His emotions were rocked and he even got a little teary eyed which caught onto my pregnant hormones so while Steve was holding Aj to his chest and thanking him so much, Bucky was holding me to his chest and told me everything was alright through his soft laugh that lasted until some fireworks were lit and I just about jumped out of my skin at how loud everything was.

"Ow, fuck!" I snap my hands to my ears and grimace at the piercing sound ringing through my head as Bucky's hands hold mine for extra protection for my ear drums. "Oh, my God! What the Hell! Jesus fuck! That fucking hurts!" I pinch my eyes shut and ramble on through the head aching pain

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