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The kids joined us down at the lake after a while followed by Steve who came down with Isaiah and Sam to check on Bucky and I after about an hour of us being alone. Isaiah said Michelle is definitely pissed but she will get over it eventually like she always does. The topic of her didn't bother us nor was it relevant so Bucky changed the subject and said that he needed to go up to the house to grab a few things since we will be down at the dock for most of the day and he needed things for me that he had in a certain bag and was easier if he went instead of Steve who offered to grab it for us so Bucky could stay with me.

After the refusal and reassurance that he wouldn't be long, Steve instantly took Bucky's spot in the water since I was not awake and nothing was going to wake me up- Bucky tried, but our baby was asleep so that meant I was too. It wasn't a big deal when Sam has Cass give up a few of his pool noodles that he was using to battle with his brother. Steve slipped the floats under my chest and kept my head on his shoulder while Bucky ran up to the house which our baby did not like and easily woke me up with a contraction that had me hanging onto Steve for dear life.

Explaining those scratches on his chest will be incredibly awkward.

"She drew blood, but I don't mind... It's better than her breaking her fingers with her strength and balling her fists too tight." Steve shrugs as he stands with Bucky, Sam, Isaiah, and Eli, talking about the contraction I had in the lake that woke me up

"I said I was sorry." I speak as I walk over and Bucky glances over his shoulder with a smile as he stands in his dried dark blue shorts and a floral blue top that stays open to show his chest and abs

"And I forgave you, dolly." He chuckles. "It stung for a second but they're healing." He runs a finger over the red marks

"Babygirl just didn't like her dada leaving." Bucky defends his baby and hands Eli his beer to hold so he can slip off his silk shirt and drape it over my shoulders. "You're shivering." He says and I put my arms through the short sleeves that end at my elbows

"I just got done playing with the boys." I explain. "I walked around with water guns while they ran but they only shot me if I had my back turned to them." I smile with a small shrug

"They're good boys." Isaiah compliments and Sam nods in agreement

"And very hungry." I laugh lightly. "They've been asking me to come and tell you guys that the baby's hungry so they can eat." I say and we all laugh

"Is she hungry?" Bucky asks, taking a sip from his beer he got back from Eli and I shrug a nod

"I really need to sit more than anything." I tell him what I'd rather have and in a second, Bucky kneels down to offer me his thigh to sit on with Steve slipping his shoe under Bucky's knee so he doesn't get himself all muddy and Steve slips his shoe off, leaving it there and using Sam's shoulder to balance himself with his elbow all for Bucky to pat his thigh

These three really go all out at times.

And I love it.

"Sit, pretty mama." He proudly smiles and I press my lips into one, sliding my right hand along his shoulders and carefully sitting down with his left arm holding me secure around my hips

"You doing okay?" I ask in a quiet voice while the others go back to their previous conversation and Bucky furrows his eyebrows at my question. "With this." I press my left arm into his left shoulder and feel the thick scars between metal and skin. "Being shirtless." I add for extra clarification

"I'm perfect when I am with you." He looks up at me. "Can you feel me?" He asks and I move my hand over his heart to feel the muscle thumping

"I feel your heart starting to beat faster." I smirk. "What's going on, Bucky?" I tip my head and lick my lips in a smile that grabs his blue eyes

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