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"Ugh." I let out a breathy groan that is barely audible when I sit myself up in bed and turn to prop myself on my hands and knees where my slightly grimaced face is looking at the dark wood of my headboard. "Come on, my little love." I hum from being so uncomfortable for a reason I cannot decipher as I sit back on my heels some and place my hand on Bucky's bare chest to wake his sleeping body up. "Bucky." I frown when I start to cry when I weakly call for him and he does nothing besides sleep soundly. "Bucky, please... wake up. I need you." I shake him by his warm shoulder when my fingers slide over his muscles and slowly, his eyes blink open

"Mmm." Bucky stretches with a soft grunt as his lips purse from his arms lifting above his head and smushing his cheeks but he stops and furrows his eyebrows when he suddenly hears me sniffle and it peaks his worry and curiosity. "Y/n?" He whispers in a cracking rasp and shuffles around for a moment with his right hand to turn our lamp on so he can see my quivering frown and my tear filled eyes that drops his expression into sympathy. "Oh, my precious, what happened?" He asks and accepts my hug when I reach out to him. "What's going on, baby?" He holds me and waits patiently as I take a moment

"I don't feel good." I admit and move off of him to press my hands back into the mattress when too much pressure and touching was applied to my stomach area in a quick second that I initiated but it swarmed my head with nausea? Dizziness? I don't know. "I really don't feel good at all." I sigh deeply as my breathing picks up sightly and I start to rock my body a little with my ass bumping my heels as I kneel on the bed

"Alright, sweetheart." He sits up and shoves the blankets off of me to place his metal hand on my lower back and feel my heated skin as well as see the redness in my cheeks that he gently kisses to get a temperature reading and determine if I just got too hot and it upset our baby. "We're alright. What doesn't feel good?" He asks

"I don't know, Buck." I whine and straighten my back out when I grab his metal shoulder with my right hand and my stomach with my left. "I'm just really scared." I try to guess and it's not false, I am constantly glancing over our shoulders with my eyes locking with our door and window the most and it doesn't float over him easily when his blue gaze follows my tired, frantic one

"Scared?" He repeats and keeps his hands on my belly and back where his touch is comforting to me so he keeps his fingers rubbing the front of my stomach softly. "What for, my love?" He drops his tone from confusion to comforting

"I-I think... I think I had a nightmare but I can't remember." I cry a bit more when I can't help it when my chest is pushing out more signals for my eyes to absolutely cry a river over the smallest thing like this when I can't even remember what happened. "And I can't tell if I need to throw up or need a drink." I frown and slump my shoulders as I look up at him since he is still taller than me when he is sitting up

I mean, I am kind of curled up in a ball right now so I get it.

"I won't let anything happen to you, babydoll." Bucky promises and I nod at his heavy reassurance that clings to his words in this sticky goo so his protection is stuck to my brain and encapsulates me in his safety I have always trusted since the beginning. "Can I help you get to the bathroom?" He offers in the most softest voice, you would think he has never seen anger a day in his life with how gentle and smooth his normally furrowed and sharp facial features are as he gazes at me with his tilted head

"No." I shake my head and take a few breaths that sound short and fast but I attempt to control them as much as possible and am doing good with Bucky's small smile he gives me. "I don't want to throw up." I blink the tears from my eyes that drip down to my parted lips

"Alright, my love." He lifts a hand to my face that I follow with my own so I can keep his touch on my skin when I need it the most in scary situations like these. "Pretty, your hands are shaking and your heartbeat is pounding." He tells me in the most calming tone he can generate for me when his eyes glance at my trembling fingers floating over his metal knuckles. "I need you to calm down for a moment."

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