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- two weeks later

Jinae placed down all of the shopping bags, pulling the younger in for a hug.

Airi cutely giggled. "Yah, what's this for?"

"What? I can't hug my girlfriend just because I want to?" Jinae pouted, sitting on Airis bed.

Tackling the older onto the bed, she hugged her once again. "Of course you can. I never said you couldn't. By the way, you really don't have to spoil me because my birthday it tomorrow. I hope you know that."

"Of course I don't have to, but I want to. I like reminding you how much you mean to me."

"Yah!" Airi playfully slugged Jinaes shoulder. Quickly pecking the girl on the lips, Airi bolted down the stairs to avoid confrontation.

"What's the rush?" Byeol asked, smirking as she noticed Jinae leaving Airis room. The vampire put an arm around her shoulders. "Nothin, just Airi being a little goofball. Would you like my help in making dinner?"


After eating with everyone, the two took a stroll on the path surrounding the cottage.

Jinae took the youngers hand, intertwining their fingers. Airi let out a deep sigh.

"You okay?"

Airi nodded with a small hum. "A lot has changed in just three months. Though I never wish to deal with anything like that ever again.. I think the change was for the better."

"What makes you say that, love?" Jinae smiled, loving to watch the youngers face grow red.

"If none of this happened.. Miyu and I would still be working ourselves to death just to survive. We also met so many great people like you, Byeol, and all the boys." She stated happily, lightly squeezing Jinaes hand.

Jinae nodded. "I've already made it clear that you also saved me, Airi. I honestly gave up on living the rest of my life because of Min and Donghyun. You somehow stayed pretty positive and we ended up getting out together. I knew you were different from all of the other humans I watched come and sadly go."

Feeling all shy and unsure how to take the compliment, Airi just threw herself into Jinaes arms. They shared melodic giggles, holding each other close.

"I still can't help but to worry about Miyu still. She doesn't eat much and shows that she is okay but.. something is off.

Jinae nodded. "I am not that close to her but from what you have said about her.. she is definitely acting strange. I will admit to you... you've taken everything really well. Perhaps.. it will just take some more time for Miyu to heal from everything. After all, this all started with you being missing for two weeks straight."

Agreeing to the others statement, Airi let out a small huff. "I hope she will be okay.."

"She will. She has you, Byeol and the twins looking after her."

"The twins?" Airi frowned as Jinae let out a chuckle. "Felix and Jisung. They aren't actually related but they have the same birthday. But don't you and Miyu have friends that are twins as well?"

"Akari and Yukari, yeah."

"I feel like Akari didn't like me. I'm not sure why." Jinae pouted.

Leaning back into a hug, Airi kissed her cheek. "She may be my best friend, but she has no say in who I date."

"It's getting dark, let's go inside." Jinae hugged the girl, pulling her back towards the house.


Hey guys! I hope you have enjoyed the story so far! I know it was a little rushed but I wanted to actually commit to finishing a story😅

I broke it up into two parts. This was part 1. If you want a part 2 of the story, please vote on this and the next chapter so I know!!

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