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  "Seungmin!" Felix ran to hug the male. Acting like his usual awkward self, he just hugged him back. "I was only gone for two months."

  "That's way too long!"

  "How is your wings?"

  Felix backed away, proudly making his wings visible. Almost back to normal, there was a long white line in the middle where it had ripped. "Byeol Noona managed to fix it!"

  "Are you able to fly?"

  Byeol came up and patted Felixs shoulder. "I told him one more week before he tries. If he can get into the air, he can train to fly like normal after some time."

  Seungmin looked around, greeting Airi and Jinae who ate lunch at the table. "Where is Miyu?"

  The energy in the room turning slightly grim, Byeol let out a small sigh. "She is up sleeping in her room. She's been really depressed since everything happened."

  "Can I.. can I go up..to-"

  "Go ahead." The fairy smiled, in fact encouraging him to go.

  Each step he took he could feel his heart race even faster. Slowly pushing open the bedroom door, his heart broke.

  Her face was pale and her eyes were dark, displaying that her health had gotten even worse since things came to an end.

  Her eyes slowly opened when he closed the door, taking in the sight of the brightly lit room.

  "Hey.." he softly whispered, watching her eyes land on him. She just blankly stared at him as she sat up.


  Without any more words he sat on the bed and pulled her close. She sat completely frozen, unaware if she was dreaming or not. "What.. what are you doing here?"

  "I came to check on you. What's going on?"

  Those words hit her in the chest as a lump formed in her throat. His heartbeat could be felt through his chest as his warmth held her tightly.

  Unable to hold back, she hid her face in his hoodie as she began to cry. He pulled her even closer, letting her soak his clothes with tears. "I'm here." He let out in a whisper.

  "I d-dont know what's w-wrong with m-me. Airi is b-back and h-happy, we aren't in d-danger anymore, n-nothing is wrong so w-why d-do I feel l-like this?!?"

  "It's okay. It's okay to not be immediately happy again once nothing is wrong. You went through a lot." He assured, lightly rubbing her back.

  "Airi may be happy and living like normal, but everyone deals with trauma differently."

The two sat in silence for a while after that. Miyu continued to quietly cry as he held her close. No more words needed to be said.

  Seungmin slightly turned his body to the side, making it so she could be more comfortable laying her head on his shoulder. He still held her close, fixing her hair so it wouldn't be a mess.

  After about fifteen minutes, Miyu fell asleep. Instead of moving her to lay back in bed, he sat there holding her. His thoughts fought him as he questioned all of his actions towards the girl, feeling his cheeks rush with heat.

  "S-seung..min." the girl mumbled. He let out a hum despite knowing she was asleep. He carefully placed a hand protectively behind her head, taking a deep breath. "Just say my name.. I'll come running from now on."


  Ready for part 2? Vote on this chapter so I know!!

  Also thank you sm for reading this far!

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