College, and?

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Years after the events of unOrdinary *in an alterate universe ofc*, the drama and struggles are over and the cast transfers their life to start fresh at the nearby Wellston College.

Their new life, beings.

- John's POV -


I clenced my notebook and computer as I ran as fast as I could to my lecture, I had somehow once again slept for too long and had to bolt it to my class.


I bashed open the door to the class, making a noise loud enough for the Professor and the rest of the students look at me funny.

"S-sorry." I whispered and made my way to my seating, just grateful that I only was 10 minutes late and not an hour late.

I sat quietly, listening to the lecture and made sure I kept notes. After all I can't just "fail" this class, I need to pass because well I probably can't afford to take it again.

After my lecture, I decided to have lunch at a nearby cafe. It's always nice to go to the local college cafe and sit down, besides I usually find my friends there.

I went inside, feeling relieved and I ordered a very strong coffee and a pre-made tomato and pesto sandwich. After a few minutes the employee working there handed me my order and I went to find a place to sit, however to my surprise I found not only Sera but Blyke, Remi, Isen and Arlo sitting together having lunch.

That's odd, I usually only see one of them. Its been years since we have been together like this. I wonder whats up?

"Hey, do you mind if I sit with you guys?" I approach them and ask, polietly of course.

"We've been waiting for your stupid ass, c'mon." Sera invited me, looking pretty as ever.

I sat down at the table and took a sip of my coffee.

"As I was saying." Isen continued "finding a passion can be really difficult but if you find one then the way you live you're life will improve!"

"I'm pretty sure getting out of bed is a good hobby enough." Blyke shrugged.

"I would still like to dismantle the government, even though EMBER is gone." Remi added, still government hating I guess.

"I think I could do well pursuing a hobby in writing, reading is very engaging for me so I would like to contribute to the literary world." I suggest.

Sera patted my shoulder. "Look at you trying!" She smiled.

"Well if I continue pursing my degree in business, my so called 'hobby' can simply be running a massive corporate empire." Arlo took a sip of his coffee which I can only imagine is five times stronger than mine, without cream or sugar.

"Pfft, okay Donald Trump." Sera smirked at him.

"My uncle actually offered me a job in a skyrise tower once I graduate, so you can put back your smirk." Arlo grinned back.

Isen started "I think I may have a strange obsession with eating p-"

"You know what one question I have about our college?" Sera interuppted. "Remember Vaughn allowed us kids to basically kill each other in the hallway with our powers? This college doesn't allow that, you're only allowed to fight IF necessary in a designated sport field. I wonder what's with that?"

"I prefer it that way." I bit my sandwich. "Its more peaceful and we can actually do what we came here to do. LEARN."

"I'm going to have to agree with you." Arlo continued to drink his coffee.

"One question I have is there even a school hierarchy?" Remi wondered.

"Like the traditional royal system in high school?" Blyke asked.

"There could not be one, like I said we can't even use our abilities in the hallways for aggresive reasons so the idea of a hierarchy could be heavily discouraged." Seraphina suggested.

"Its also a bit childish......." Isen mentioned.

"Yeah, let's not worry about that." I sighed. "Besides we have other important things to worry about."

"Like Isen contacting homo-dia?" Seraphina chuckled.

"HEY!" Isen shouted.

"What? Homo-dia?" I say, confused.

"Its a lab created contractible disease that can disrupt your brain and turn you gay, it was supposed to just be a lab experiment but Isen accidentally contracted the artificial disease by eating a sandwich left by the researchers in the exposed lab." Arlo let me on to the story.

"Its not that bad being gay? Right?" I felt bad for him but also didn't care.

"He's been the college gay whore for the past week, thats how bad it is." Remi rolled her eyes.

"THAT- I HEY!" Isen felt embarrassed. "THATS NOT FUNNY!"

"Kinda is." Seraphina added. "Isen the dick takin whore."

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