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Chapter 001 Rebirth in the Apocalypse

"Dad, are you really going to sell me?" Bai Weixi was trembling all over. She was wearing a shabby military coat in the extremely cold weather of minus 60 degrees Celsius. Her brain was frozen, but her eyes were extremely bright.

"Xiaochu, dad has no choice but to do it. What can dad do? Your sister has been hungry for five days, and you, Aunt Lin, can't hold on anymore..."

Bai Weixi's mouth showed a sarcastic smile.


Jiang Yuerou has been hungry for five days, but her face is rosy and her skin is as tender as if she could pinch water.

But after only three days of starvation, she became as thin as firewood and her complexion was as pale as dirt.

They were all in high spirits, and even though they were in purgatory, they felt like they were on vacation. This morning, Jiang Dongming, her father, watched the volcano erupting in the distance and composed an impromptu poem.

Lin Hui can't hold on any longer! So, flirt with Jiang Dongming and enjoy your last moments!

Also, what was her boyfriend Lin Yichen doing at that time?

"Sister Xiaorou gave you the remaining sweet potato rinds. She hasn't eaten for five days! I want to be by her side to take care of her at all times! This is all to help you pay off your debts, you know?"

In the five years of the apocalypse, they I have long been fed up with her and wish she would die immediately!

Enough is enough for Bai Weixi! Extreme heat, floods and heavy rains, pests and rats, extreme cold and snowstorms, earthquakes... She had to fight with her life at every level. She survived scarred, physically and mentally exhausted, and had to endure their internal and external plots.

"You are not worthy of being my father!" Bai Weixi walked calmly towards the cannibals. There was a knife there. If she was fast enough, she could die more easily.

But at this moment, a huge gap opened in the ground, and a raging heat wave hit us.

Under the crack, there is violently rolling magma!

Bai Weixi jumped into the crack without thinking.

Even if she dies, she won't give up to those beasts!

Although I am very reluctant, I haven't figured it all out yet! He hasn't taken back his things yet...


Bai Weixi suddenly woke up.

The pain of being enveloped by magma still seemed to linger on her body, and in her mind was still the silver-white world frozen thousands of miles away.

She couldn't help hugging herself and looking around blankly.

This is...

a college dormitory!

I picked up my phone and looked at it, June 6, 2054.

He pinched the tender flesh under his arm hard.

hiss! It hurts.

"Hehehe..." A weird laugh came from Bai Weixi's mouth.

Fortunately, she was the only one in the dormitory, otherwise people might think she was possessed by a ghost.

Jump from the upper bunk to the ground in one fell swoop.

She quickly rummaged through the cabinet...

and found it!

A smooth and translucent jasper bracelet.

This is a relic left to her by her mother.

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