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Chapter 011 The Second Wave of Tsunami

Just as I was thinking about it, the water level quickly receded again.

Quick and weird!

"Holy shit!"

Bai Weixi was panicking, she must have been right!

She also doesn't have the attribute of a crow's mouth!

Without any time to think, he used an electromagnetic salvage device to pull his uncle's private car and escape quickly!

It is true to say that you escaped for your life.

There was only one tsunami in the previous life!

There is actually a second wave this time. The first wave is more than 50 meters high. How terrifying will the second wave reach?

Will Tuocheng still be there by then?

The car was driving so fast that some of the others who understood had no time to explain and ran away immediately, leaving those who didn't understand and still wanted to pick up seafood in the water.

At this time, even if you seize 0.01 seconds, you are snatching your life from the hands of death, for no reason, and it's not your parents, who can explain so much to you? At most, someone yells "Run!" It's up to you whether you listen or not!

Bai Weixi drove far away and could still see people gathering by the water.

She didn't dare to be careless and didn't stop until she reached her cousin's house on the top of the mountain.

The rain was blown by the strong wind and hit his face, making his face numb.

The time now is 11:36 pm, and the temperature has dropped to 4°C. If she hadn't been wearing thermal clothing and a down jacket, she might have been numb from the cold.

But even if she stood in the rain and was soaked by the rain, she didn't want to walk through that door.

Down jackets are waterproof.

But the tears of her cousin and cousin could flow into her heart.

How was she supposed to tell her cousin that she only brought back corpses?

Until the violent slapping sound behind her woke her up.

Bai Weixi looked around blankly and found that the sound came from her uncle's car.

Instantly, an unbelievable thought appeared in her mind!

She quickly rushed to the car and found Bai He banging on the window, while Sun Siqi was leaning against the window with her face covered in blood.

"Uncle!" The long-term tension collapsed instantly, and Bai Weixi cried excitedly! "Auntie..."

"Stop howling! Help me carry your aunt into the house!"

"Okay!" Bai Weixi stopped crying immediately.

He ran to the passenger seat, helped Sun Siqi unbuckle her seat belt, and carried her into the house.

As soon as I entered the door, I found a courier boy sitting on the shoe-changing stool at the door, playing with his mobile phone with his head down.

Although Bai Weixi was curious, she had no time to talk to him and quickly carried Sun Siqi to the bedroom on the first floor.

He also found some clean clothes for her to change into.

Fortunately, there were no wounds on her body. She just hit her head, but she remained unconscious. She might have suffered a serious knock. If it was just a concussion, it would be fine. If it was an intracranial injury, she would have to be transferred immediately. Hospitals in other cities are still open for the time being.

Bai Weixi disinfected the wound on her forehead and wrapped it with a bandage, praying in her heart that it was just a skin injury and a concussion.

Sun Siqi had worn thermal clothing before, so there was no problem of hypothermia. Bai Weixi put on thick clothes and wrapped her in a thick quilt, so she felt relieved.

After preparing Sun Siqi, she was already sweating!

Just as he was about to sit for a while, he received a call from Bai He, "Xixi, didn't you notice that your uncle has been in the car?" "

Why don't you get out?" Bai Weixi couldn't understand, "What's in the car?"

Bai He took a deep breath. He took a breath to make his tone sound calm, "Uncle's knee is injured, come here to help!"

Bai Weixi immediately put on a waterproof down jacket and went out to pick up her uncle!

I didn't see it when I hid it underneath, but now I saw that both knees were stained red with blood.

Bai Weixi couldn't imagine that her uncle was only in his forties, the age when a man is a flower. Would he have to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair?

Moreover, where can she buy a wheelchair now?

Feeling very heavy, she bent her back to her uncle to prevent him from seeing her tears, "Uncle, come up! I'll carry you!"

Bai He couldn't help but cover his eyes with one hand, "Stand up straight! Stand at attention!"

Bai Weixi subconsciously said Standing in a military posture, Bai He put his hands on her shoulders, used her as a crutch, and helped her limp toward the house.

It took three minutes to walk just five meters.

Bai Weixi wanted to carry him on her back several times, but Bai He insisted and refused.

"Uncle, you want to save face now. When all the bones inside are crooked, I will see that you will not regret it! What face do you want with your niece?"

Bai He didn't want to say a word. After entering the house, he closed the door and changed his clothes.

Bai Weixi was not idle and went to find the delivery boy, "Why are you here? Did you see the sister and brother when you came here? Do you know where they went?" The

delivery boy's skin was dark and shining, and he was wrapped in a cotton jacket. It was obviously too cold!

There was a fireplace next to the sofa, and there was a crackling charcoal fire inside. He could warm himself by walking over there, but he kept sitting at the door and refused to go inside.

He behaves like a well-trained guard dog.

"I came to deliver the banquet. When I came, I happened to meet them looking for someone. They gave me three thousand yuan and asked me to help guard the door."

Bai Weixi wrapped her down jacket again and asked the delivery boy to go to the sofa to warm up by the fire, not here. Get in the way.

The takeaway boy thought for a moment and went to sit by the fireplace without refusing.

Bai Weixi first wanted to call her cousin, but when she took out her mobile phone, she found that the phone had no signal.

She does have a satellite phone, but her cousin doesn't!

Suddenly something occurred to her and she knocked on Bai He's door.

Bai He shouted "come in" from inside.

Bai Weixi pushed the door open and walked in. Bai He had already packed up and was sitting on the bed, with the unconscious Sun Siqi lying next to him.

"Uncle, do you have the location of your cousin on your phone?"

Bai He had a bad premonition, "Where have they gone?"

"They are looking for you and your aunt... But don't worry, uncle! I can get you back. I'm sure we can get them back! Give me your cell phone location!"

"...I don't have their cell phone location."

"Why?" Bai Weixi didn't understand, "My niece has it, so how can my daughter and son not have it? ?"

"Both of them value privacy and don't like the feeling of being watched."

Bai Weixi: "..."

"Anyway, I'll go take a look first!" After she finished speaking, she walked out.

"Hey!" Bai He shouted from behind.

Bai Weixi turned around.

Bai He opened his mouth, "Your own safety comes first!"

Bai Weixi said nothing, closed the door and left.

Bai He sighed, but he didn't expect that the positioning software he installed to protect Bai Weixi would become his own life-saving talisman.

Under the water, he saw a notification from the positioning software that Bai Weixi was coming towards him. Then he saw the red dot representing Bai Weixi approaching him. Finally, the red dot almost coincided with him. He saw Bai Weixi through the car window. When he came to rescue her wearing a diving suit and diving goggles, he really felt that his niece was so handsome, like a magic weapon descending from the sky!

There was an oxygen concentrator in the car, but the battery could only be used for 6 hours. If it weren't for Bai Weixi, he and Sun Siqi might really have to confess.

Half of the city is flooded, and it will take two or three days for the water level to recede. Can the government rescue it in time?

Who would have thought they could survive in an oxygen-deprived environment?

Now, the task of finding Xiaonan and Xiaofei was also entrusted to her. Bai Weixi's determined look appeared in his mind, and he suddenly realized that he had underestimated her before. Although she was not very smart, she was a reliable person. people.

He felt guilty for his previous distrust.

Bai Weixi went out and immediately drove the RV down the mountain.

She thought it would take a long time to search, but she was very lucky. She saw her cousin by the water.

She was holding an iron sheet and looking nervously into the water.

At this time, the rain gradually turned into hailstones, each one as big as an egg, and the iron sheet in her hand had been smashed out of shape.

Before I rescued my uncle, I drove for about forty minutes before I saw water.

But now, after driving for only twenty minutes, we arrived at the water's edge, and we were slowing down.

The second wave of tsunami was far more serious than she imagined.

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