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Chapter 051 Stealing Dog

Bai Weixi walked towards the east, but kept looking at Jiang Yuerou.

Jiang Yuerou was led into the confession room in the northeast corner. The small room where believers confess to the priest is as big as two phone booths.

"Cousin! Look who's inside?"

Bai Xiaonan started looking before she could say anything, "It's A05! Why is he looking for Jiang Yuerou?"

Bai Weixi slowed down and walked behind Shen Tengele. Le's huge figure completely obscured the eyes of the church personnel in front.

The refugees all faced north, sat on benches, and listened quietly to the clergy's sermons. The atmosphere was quiet and peaceful.

"Cousin, tell me the specific location of A05's head!"

Originally she wanted to shoot Jiang Yuerou to death, but think about it, A05 is more dangerous!

Jiang Yuerou knew that she had a space bracelet, that was for sure, but had she told others?

Who have you told?

If Jiang Yuerou dies, will others seek cooperation from A05?

There are so many people in the church. If you want to avoid being discovered, you can only fire one shot. So this shot should be given to the most awesome A05!

Bai Xiaonan said in her ear: "Lean back against the carved window on the east side, with your chin 10 centimeters away from the bottom of the carved window. You are closing your eyes to rest."

Bai Weixi already had a women's pocket gun in her hand.

That's when the clergy looked down at the Bible!

Bai Weixi pulled the trigger!

With the sound of a gunshot, Bai Xiaonan lowered his voice and said, "Hit!" There was a hint of excitement in his voice.

To be honest, she has long disliked A05!

Even if such a person's existence maintains order and has a positive effect in a short period of time, what will happen over time?

His kind of local emperor doesn't know how to enslave other people. At first it will be those refugees with evil intentions, and later, it will be everyone in this area. By then, people will no longer be human, not even as good as dogs.

Guns quickly fill the space!

"Ah!" Bai Weixi shouted and pulled Bai Xiaonan and others to hide in the corner!

"Ah! Shooting! Killing!"

With her taking the lead, the church became a mess, with people screaming and shouting, and running around holding their heads!

The other three: "..."

At this moment, Jiang Yuerou, who was sitting opposite A05 across a column, was also stunned. She smelled a faint smell of blood... They

were having a good conversation!

What's happening here?

The church was in a mess, but the strange thing was that many priests and refugees stood there blankly, as if they had lost their souls! Even if someone has a gun, he doesn't know how to use it.

Soldiers quickly dispatched, took control of the entire church, and blocked all exits!

The east and west doors of the confessional were opened.

The body of A05 was brought out from the east gate. The bullet penetrated the temple. The marksmanship was very exquisite.

In the west gate, Jiang Yuerou was pulled out.

Colonel Fu frowned, why is it this woman again?

Based on the position of the bullet, it was certain that she was not the one who fired the gun.

But it would be too much of a coincidence to have her everywhere!

Most likely, she had an accomplice, and the woman attracted the target's attention, and the accomplice shot!

"Carry out a large-scale investigation immediately! Everyone in the church must be investigated!" Colonel Fu ordered. His eyes swept over the direction where Bai Weixi fired. Now, there was a group of refugees squatting against the wall with their heads in their hands.

The soldiers immediately implemented the order and began to clean up all the people in the church in an orderly manner. Starting from the west side first, they were asked to go out through the main entrance one by one. There were already soldiers at the door ready to search and check their guns.

At this time, there were still people who were sick and would rather die than let the soldiers check them, saying that they were invading personal privacy.

Extraordinary times, extraordinary measures, nothing can be done, just a shock with an electric baton will make you honest!

After an inspection, I found many things that could not belong to his identity, such as valuable jewelry, daggers, women's underwear...

After learning from the past, everyone became more cooperative. There are about a thousand people in the church, and every day Everyone was searched before being let out.

There are soldiers watching nearby. If anyone makes a small move, their guns will be pointed at them immediately.

All the gunmen in the church were searched out. Because they were in a state of ignorance, they did not resist at all. Their guns were handed over directly, and their people were also detained.

Fortunately for Dai Siwen, he was now focusing on practicing his supernatural powers and no longer relied on the pistol, so he didn't bring this thing with him.

But both Bai Xiaonan and Shentengele wore them!

Bai Xiaonan touched her lower back, and Bai Weixi pretended to be very scared, hugged her, and then put the gun away.

Shentengler's face turned red, he looked at Bai Weixi and patted his chest.

Bai Weixi: "..."

Pretending to warm her hands, she inserted her hands into his chest, found the pistol in his inner pocket, and quickly put it away.

She has discovered the elements to put things into space. Firstly, they must be seen or perceived. Secondly, the distance must be within about two meters. If these two conditions are met, the things can be easily put into the space with a thought.

The investigation was time-consuming. By the time Bai Weixi and the four went out, it was almost dark. Of course, nothing was found on them.

But there were actually four police dogs guarding the place outside, and people going out had to pass by their noses.

According to the principles of forensic ballistics, during the shooting process, due to the rapid combustion of gunpowder, a high-pressure gas will be formed in the gun bore. While this gas pushes the warhead away from the muzzle, it also ejects unburned gunpowder particles, gun oil, metal shavings, soot and other residues from the muzzle at high speed, and falls on the shooter's hand.

Bai Weixi frowned, a little embarrassed.

After thinking about it, there was only one way...

Then, the four big dogs were sniffing seriously, and suddenly, they all disappeared from the place? ? ?

"Colonel Fu!"

a soldier exclaimed!

Colonel Fu raised his hand to signal him to be silent.

Then he turned around and left, as if he wanted to confirm something urgently.

Bai Weixi stared at his back, thoughtfully.

This is a capable person.

Moreover, his abilities are related to these four dogs!

He must have thought that there was something wrong with his abilities. There was nothing he could do about it. Normal people thought this way. Who would have thought that someone would use space to steal a dog?

The refugees who saw this change were shocked. How could four living big dogs disappear out of thin air?

How weird!

In the distance, Colonel Fu discussed with other officers and let everyone go except the gunman.

The investigation speeded up, and the church was quickly emptied, and even Jiang Yuerou was released.

Although she didn't want to be released, she kept looking at Colonel Fu eagerly.

But no one cares what she thinks.

After the refugees were released, they did not leave immediately. Instead, they surrounded the soldiers and asked for explanations.

"The church promised to take us in and give us a bowl of porridge every day to ensure that we won't starve to death! Why do you drive us away!"

"It's such a cold day and it's raining heavily. Where should we go? Are we going to freeze to death outside?"

"I don't care, let me go into the church. I took refuge here when the tsunami first happened! This is the Lord's grace. You No one has the right to take it back!"


Colonel Fu stood at the door of the church, holding a loudspeaker and started shouting, "From today on, the government will take over the church, and everything will be business as usual..."

Bai Weixi did not listen to him, but walked to Jiang Yuerou In front of him, "We collected some supplies before! There is also some wild boar meat. Come with me and take it back to dad!"

Although the words were very touching, his tone was very cold.

But it was precisely because of her attitude that Jiang Yuerou believed it!

Just the thought of eating wild boar! She swallowed.

Looking at the situation today, there is no chance of an interview with Colonel Fu.

But since he has taken over the church, he will definitely be there often in the future, and she will come to see him during worship.

But wild boar meat was a real thing in front of her, so of course she had to grasp it!

Moreover, she also needs to have a good relationship with Bai Weixi. Following her, she will definitely be popular!

"Sister, you are actually quite good, but sometimes you are too stubborn! I will go back with you to get it now. When dad sees the wild boar meat, he will be very happy! I will say a few more good words to you then! "

Oh, can you put in a good word for me? Just don't sow discord!"

"Sister! You have to believe me! My cousin lied to me, and I am also a victim!"

Seeing that the person was already in the car, Bai Weixi sneered. , ignored her.

Shentengler was too fat and squeezed in with Bai Xiaofei in the car going to Bai He.

The car immediately set off and drove to Canglan Mountain. Jiang Dongming originally wanted to leave, but Lin Hui coaxed him hard, and then he patiently waited for Jiang Yuerou.

After waiting for a long time, he saw Jiang Yuerou and Bai Weixi getting into a car.

Jiang Dongming sighed, "Although Xixi is a little rougher, she still takes care of this sister at the critical moment!"

Lin Hui tensed up, "Follow them! Bai Weixi definitely has no good intentions!"

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