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Chapter 101 Photo

Shentengele didn't dare to use his powers yet, and Bai Weixi, who was afraid of shock, had sore wrists.

So, one night, a row of red marks were neatly pinched out of the flesh on my belly.

Schentengler found it incredible that he could pinch them so neatly even when he was asleep.

The next morning, Schentengler exposed his belly and showed it to Bai Weixi.

Bai Weixi: "!!!"

"This...was beaten by your two sisters yesterday? What kind of move is this?"

Shentengler: "..."

"This is what you pinched me at night."

Bai Weixi: "..."

No feeling at all?

"I really pinched you?"


Bai Weixi was very embarrassed, "Why didn't you avoid it?"

Schentengler: "You held my arm and refused to let me go."

Bai Weixi blinked and hugged him again. With his arm, the other hand gently rubbed his belly, "Pangpang, just let me rub it for you." The

silky little hand gently brushed Shen Tengler's belly, like a pear blossom cutting through the water. , causing ripples.

Shentengele tightened his lower body and looked at Bai Weixi with increasingly strange eyes. A domineering and sharp light burst out from his narrowed eyes.

Bai Weixi was stunned and retracted her hand unconsciously.

Schentengler didn't say anything, just looked at her.

Like a wolf waiting for an opportunity.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

Bai Weixi quickly got out of bed and opened the door. When she saw it, it was Baoler outside.

"It's time to eat, it's just you two!"

"Hey, okay!" Bai Weixi packed up immediately, Shentengele was still staring at her, showing no intention of getting up, so Bai Weixi had to pull him, "Pangpang, Let's go!"

But with the tonnage of Shentengler, she couldn't pull it at all.

"Xixi, I want to kiss you, just one kiss." Schentengler saw that she was not self-conscious at all and could only seek her own benefit.

Bai Weixi turned around and ran away.

Schentengler: "..."

With a look of resentment on his face, he had no choice but to get up.

Breakfast was equally sumptuous, but one person was missing from the table, Burigude. Ai Qing said he had something to deal with and left last night.

Bai Weixi guessed that he was going to deal with Liang Dong.

After breakfast, Bai He was ready to go out.

At this time, the wind outside had normalized, about level 5, and the snowflakes were blown by the north wind and all piled up behind the house. The typhoon left a pile of garbage in front of the house, and servants were cleaning it.

"I haven't cleaned the barnacles off those whales yet, and I don't know if they will wait for me." This is what Bai He is worried about.

Bai Xiaofei and Dai Siwen naturally wanted to accompany him.

Bao Leer and Qimuge found it novel. They also wanted to see how Bai He cleans barnacles from whales, so they went along with them.

Bai Xiaonan was taken to the Military Research Institute by Ai Qing.

Bai Weixi also wanted to go and have a look, and by the way, left all the materials in the space with Bai Xiaonan.

Schentengler naturally went with them.

Sukhbalu was busy with something, so only Sun Siqi and Sarina were left at home for company.

Soon, Bai Weixi and his team arrived at the research institute.

Ai Qing was accompanied by Burigude's adjutant. He arranged Bai Xiaonan in a separate small villa, where a laboratory had been set up and a lot of materials were prepared, including materials for making power level display crystals.

Bai Xiaonan is very satisfied!

The adjutant took them to visit the military research institute.

The main research here is ordnance and ammunition, with complete equipment and advanced equipment. It is simply a paradise for Bai Xiaonan.

There is also a separate small research institute dedicated to the study of supernatural powers.

After the visit, Bai Xiaonan couldn't wait to dive into research.

They stopped disturbing and all left silently.

Before leaving, Ai Qing told the adjutant that he must protect Bai Xiaonan and find a reliable person to pick him up when traveling.

The adjutant agreed immediately, as Burigude had explained before.

It can be seen that Bai Xiaonan's relationship is not the most outstanding, but the person himself is outstanding.

On the way back, Shentengler asked Ai Qing to go home first, and he took Bai Weixi around.

He was familiar with this place. Although most of it was flooded like Tuocheng, fortunately, his uncle's military camp was not flooded, the military research institute was not flooded, and his father's granary was not flooded either.

"How about we go see the granary first?" Schentengler suggested.

Bai Weixi naturally agreed.

Since coming to Shandong, she has no need to take care of anything. She has three meals a day, and lives in a warm and comfortable big house. Schentengler's family treats them with courtesy. Everything seems to have suddenly entered a state of stillness.

From being nervous and busy, waking up all the time, to being leisurely and contented, falling asleep drunk and waking up naturally.

It was such a sudden relaxation.

But she didn't feel uncomfortable, instead she felt good.

Because she's not a masochist.

She also very much hopes that the salted fish will be cooked well.

Now I can finally lie down, and from now on I will stock up on groceries, eat melon, and spend every day peacefully.

Thinking about it this way, her anxiety disorder seems to have been mostly cured.

Until the two drove to Sukhbaru's granary.

"1, 2, 3...15, 16, 17..." Bai Weixi looked at Shentengler dumbfounded, "Didn't you say that your father only has three large granaries?"

Shentengler was even more surprised than she was, "I , I don't know! He didn't tell me... If I had known there were so many, I would have been more confident to brag!"

Bai Weixi: "..."

The anxiety disorder seems to be all gone!

As soon as the security guard at the gate saw Schentengler's armored vehicle and general grid, he knew that he was related to the boss. Although he was holding a gun, he asked questions very politely.

Schentengler was also very polite and told him, "I am Sukhbaru's son."

The security guard suddenly remembered something and took out a photo album from the drawer. When he opened the second page, there was Schentengler. There are photos of Le, and not only of Schentengler, but also of Bai Weixi.

Bai Weixi was taken aback again and asked Shentengler in a low voice, "Why do you still have my photo?"

Shentengler put his arm around her shoulders and replied in a low voice, "Because I sent your photo to my parents. , and told them that this is your daughter-in-law."

Bai Weixi's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, she lowered her head and smiled.

This damn fat guy!

After the security guard compared the photos, they were immediately released.

Schentengler happily took Bai Weixi's hand and took him to the office building, which had five floors.

Soon they found out the address of Sukhbaru's office. It was on the highest floor and there was no elevator. They climbed the stairs and stopped to visit every floor.

The first floor is the security area, where there are thousands of thugs and security guards.

The second floor is full of down jackets, which Sarina hoarded.

The third floor is full of small commodities and daily necessities, all kinds of things.

The fourth floor is beef jerky, mutton jerky, pork jerky...

The fifth floor is the office area, where not only Sukhbaru is located, but also other office workers.

When they went there, Sukhbalu was discussing business alone with a man in a small conference room, and they did not interrupt.

But Sukhbalu had already seen them through the glass door and motioned with his hand to ask them to wait.

About ten minutes later, Sukhbalu finished talking about business and walked out with the man, shaking hands as they walked.

After the man left, Sukhbalu walked over to Shentengele and Bai Weixi and sat down.

"Do you know who that person was just now? Liang Dong's people were talking to me about business while also asking me about Li Weiwei. It seemed that Liang Dong was a little anxious without the news of Li Weiwei. I told him that Li Weiwei was sick and Sarina was here. Take care of her. We will make an appointment to trade a batch of grain tomorrow. We will be responsible for delivering the goods. You all follow me and grab what she has! Whatever you grab is yours!"

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