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Chapter 031 Pearl

Then, he realized that he actually said it!

He quickly covered his mouth in shame, and his face, which was originally pale from the cold, was stained with a layer of blush!

The other three people were laughing so hard!

After Bai Weixi suppressed her laughter, she said sincerely: "Cousin! Thank you for catching seafood for us. In fact, I also want to go diving, but I am afraid of the cold. If it weren't for you, how could we eat so many top-quality ingredients!

" Sven also said: "Yes, thank you cousin! It's so fragrant and delicious!"

Bai Xiaofei's face turned even redder!

But since he has lost his face anyway, he doesn't care anymore, he just makes a fool of himself!

Desvin's cooking skills are really great! The ingredients used do not cover up the umami flavor of the ingredients at all, but add to the icing on the cake, making the taste even more delicious and tender!

So delicious!

Suddenly, a big white popped out of the water, and it was Schentengler who emerged from the water.

"Sven, take the goods!"

Schentengler threw a bag of seafood on the stairs, and Dai Siwen immediately went down to get it.

He only caught a lot more things than Bai Xiaofei!

It seems that Dai Siwen is not bragging, Schentengler's breath-holding skills are truly outstanding!

His physical fitness is also really strong. It is such a cold day, he is not wearing a diving suit, and his face and body are still red.

After going back and forth several times, the water tanks and barrels were filled with seafood caught, which weighed at least three hundred kilograms.

When he came up again, he was still full of energy, but Dai Si Wenguang was almost exhausted from handling the ingredients!

"Fat brother, fat brother! Let's take a rest, I promise you! This will definitely be enough for you!"

Schentengler still refused to give up, "You watch the roasting, as long as there is enough for me to eat, save the rest. , let's eat tomorrow!"

Then he got into the water again, and went back and forth more than a dozen times. Only after he had collected two large storage boxes was he satisfied.

Bai Weixi poured the packing box out now, otherwise there would be no room to put it in!

When Schentengler got on the boat, Bai Weixi noticed that he was also holding a large white shell in his hand.

"Fat brother, what kind of shell are you picking up? Didn't my cousin pick one up just now? Why didn't you bake it?"

Dai Siwen smiled mysteriously. Bai Xiaofei had to pry open the shell he picked up, so he knew what was inside. Just as he was about to say it, he was stopped by Bai Xiaofei, "Cousin, and sister, please guess, and I will give it to whoever guesses it right!"

Sheng Tengler rolled his eyes and followed closely: "Guess By the way, I'll give it to you too!"

Bai Xiaonan lowered her head to eat the sea urchin, her aunt covered her lips with a smile, and she stopped guessing!

Bai Weixi thought for a moment and immediately said: "There are pearls in it! Right?"

Bai Xiaofei chuckled and held up the big white shell to her like a treasure.

Bai Weixi opened it and saw a huge, bright white pearl inside!

"Surprise, you guessed it right!"

Bai Weixi was surprised.

She had not seen pearls before, but this was the first time she had seen one so big and in such perfect shape!

"It's so beautiful! Are you sure you want to give it to me?"

Bai Xiaofei didn't hesitate at all, "It's for you!"

In his heart, Bai Weixi is the savior of their family. This is the end of the world. If it is good, he will buy all the good things. Come and give it to her!

Bai Weixi accepted it happily, "Thank you, cousin!"

Shengtengler immediately stuffed his white shell into her hand, "You guessed it! Here you go!"

Bai Weixi was a little embarrassed, but if she pushed at this time, I'm afraid it would be more embarrassing if she went, so she accepted it generously.

Schentengler now lives in hers, so if you use hers, just pay some rent!

After feeling it with her hands, she found that the shell was loose, so she opened it easily.


At first glance, Bai Weixi almost lost her image as a lady.

I saw that the bowl-sized white shells were filled with pearls, and not only white pearls, but also pink pearls, blue pearls, yellow pearls and black pearls!

Of course, white pearls are the most popular!

The pearls were large and small, but each one was extremely round. The most beautiful one was a starry sky blue pearl, so beautiful that it almost blinded her eyes.

Schentengler looked at the money-obsessed expression on Bai Weixi's face, and felt satisfied in his heart.

He had already thought about it before. The worst thing is that both Bai Xiaonan and Bai Weixi guessed it right, so he would split the pearl in half. If he could still give Bai Weixi half, then his efforts were not in vain.

He quietly returned to the RV to get dressed.

Only then did Bai Weixi realize that Schentengler had just been standing in the rain and freezing for a long time.

I feel annoyed!

This is too bad! Even an ordinary friend should urge him to put on his clothes quickly!

She had indeed been avoiding Schentengler, so she never said words of concern, just to avoid his misunderstanding.

Because she had been reborn, she no longer had the desire to be a virgin! Thinking of this problem, she only felt troublesome.

Wouldn't it be nice to be free and comfortable by yourself?

But Schentengler's affection was sometimes too naked for her to ignore.

She decided to find time to have a good talk with him, just as a friend, and not to spend extra time on her.

After Schentengler changed his clothes, he started eating immediately!

Dai Siwen was afraid that the meat would get old when grilled, so he just processed it before and did not put it on the grill. He only started grilling it after Schentengler came on board, and the first batch had just been grilled!

Bai Weixi and others were all full, and then it was Schentengler's home court. He could eat without any scruples, completely open to eating.

Bai Xiaofei also realized that the bit of seafood he caught was enough for him, but it was not enough for Shentengler. He would have to think more about Shentengler's appetite in the future.

They were not idle either. Three fishing nets were poured out, and the three of them just happened to practice casting the nets.

Unexpectedly, I actually caught some fish!

By the time Schentengler was full, they had netted a total of more than 100 kilograms of fish! All varieties are available! Full sense of accomplishment!

Together, we packed a tank of expensive fish, such as grouper, large yellow croaker, eel...

and other cheap fish and put them all on two rubber boats.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, everyone immediately returned.

Go straight to the place where you last exchanged food.

Because the quality of the fish this time was good, especially the large yellow croaker in the net, everyone with a discerning eye knew that it was top-notch seafood, and the other party was not stingy in dealing with the fish, and gave them 400 kilograms of rice in exchange for one ton.

Schentengler is quite content! People cannot eat fish every day, but they can eat rice every day.

Continuing to drive, Bai Weixi suddenly became a little anxious when he reached the foot of the mountain.

She killed so many people, there was no way they wouldn't take revenge!

If it cannot be stopped, it will most likely be destroyed.

Put yourself in her shoes, what would she do?

She would stand in front, waiting with a hammer. When the car approached, she would throw the hammer at the driver's head!

Because the car is traveling too fast, the hammer will penetrate directly through the glass and hit the driver on the head.

The good result is that his head blossoms and he dies on the spot!

The bad result was that he had a headache and was about to die, but he didn't die and was ripped out of the car!

They might also lie in wait on the winding mountain road and push the boulder down from the road above. Maybe they would hit her car directly, or they might flatten the front of her car and block her way.

Bai Weixi suddenly stopped the car on the side of the road.

Find the machine gun from the bedroom and open the RV roof.

"Fat brother! You drive!"

She wouldn't allow such a thing to happen. Although it was just a guess, she had to be fully prepared!

She is good at collecting people!

This time, she must treat these grandsons obediently!

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