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Chapter 061 Space Upgrade

Although the sea has calmed down, Bai Weixi still used helicopter mode to drive the RV to the edge of the city.

Because they attracted the firepower, Bai Xiaonan and others also fled to a safe area.

Today was too thrilling. Except for Schentengler, everyone else felt like they were surviving a disaster. They were not in the mood to fish anymore, so they decided to go home and calm down.

Schentengler also agreed very much. Although he lost a boatload of fish and one and a half great white sharks, he gained another bigger one, which he wanted to eat immediately.

After returning home, Bai Weixi took them into the space first, "Look! This scoundrel Shen Tengler brought all the big octopuses in!"

Bai Xiaofei was stunned when he saw it, "As expected of the master!"

Bai Xiaonan had already seen through the space barrier. , and felt a little more relieved, otherwise they would really be afraid that the octopus would kill them in space.

Deswen looked around and found the chopped octopus leg, "Let's eat this for lunch today!"

Schentengler couldn't wait any longer, so he carried the octopus leg to the kitchen door. Deswen I took the tip and peeled off the hard and barbed suckers on it, then made octopus balls, sizzling octopus slices, and spicy octopus. Then I took the middle part and made barbecue. The last large section was peeled and sliced, and then blanched in boiling water. Chill it with ice to keep the meat elastic, then mix the sauce and eat it with dipping.

Everyone thought that such a big octopus would be very old, but they didn't expect that the taste was unusually tender and elastic. Bai Weixi first stocked up on a little of each.

Everyone was very satisfied with the meal. Everyone was exhausted. Holding their bellies, the three people with super powers even felt that their super powers had improved.

Dai Siwen immediately tried his fire power. With a thought, the three iron plate squid slices were steaming with oil again.

Daisi's chest rose and fell, "Fat brother, I didn't expect that I could break through the bottleneck by eating."

Schentengler nodded, "It should be that this octopus meat contains a lot of energy, the kind of energy that can increase our abilities."

Bai Weixi: "It can be said that this octopus is also a superpower, but it is just an animal."

Bai Xiaonan agreed, "I suspect that its superpower is hiding. The reason why I discovered it late is because at the beginning It was hiding in a ball of ink. I couldn't see through the ball of ink at all, and I couldn't detect any living things inside. By the time it came out, it was too late for me to issue a warning. This time it was my mistake. It was difficult. Imagine if everyone was wiped out because of my carelessness..."

Dai Siwen interrupted her, "Sister, it's not your fault, you have done your best, and besides, Brother Fat can also cure it."

Bai Xiaonan Shaking his head, "If Shen Teng can cure it, can he also cure the sea snake that is several hundred meters tall?"

Shen Tengler thought about this question seriously, "I think I can give it a try."

Bai Xiaonan took off his glasses, because now She no longer needs this thing. "If I see that giant snake again next time, I will tell you the level difference between you, because my eyes have evolved again and I can see the level of the superpower."

Dai Siwen's eyes flashed. Liang, "Look at what levels we are now? Who is the most powerful?"

Bai Xiaonan had just taken off her glasses and was still not used to it. She touched the corners of her eyes and continued, "Among us, Shen Teng has the highest level, and my cousin has the lowest level. Sven is in the middle."

Dai Siwen was a little surprised, "Not the worst? I think Bai Weixi's space power is much more powerful than my fire power."

Bai Xiaonan blinked and set the power level mark in his mind , originally she could only see the shades of colors when looking at abilities, but now after her modifications, different color ranges will display different levels of abilities, for example...

"If the levels of abilities are divided into ABCD, my cousin is now D, Sven It's B, and Shen Teng is A."

Everyone was surprised. Bai Xiaofei, a layman, found it incredible, "If my cousin is D now, how big will her space be when she gets promoted to A? I guess I have to ask Inner Mongolia The prairie is so big!"

Schentengler paused for a moment, and then nodded again and again, because everyone else was also thinking, so he didn't seem obtrusive.

Bai Weixi herself is more confused than anyone else, because this space is not a superpower at all!

How come there are levels of superpowers?

How do my cousin's eyes look?

Before he had time to think about it, Bai Xiaonan dropped another bombshell news, "My cousin is still D after being upgraded. I estimate that the potential in the future will be immeasurable, not to mention an Inner Mongolia."

Upgrade? Bai Weixi was a little confused. Her space had been upgraded, but she didn't know where it was.

But she didn't dare to show any abnormality, so she could only laugh to show her humility.

Bai Xiaofei: "Cousin, why don't you show us around? You're here!"

Bai Weixi: "..."

"Well, these main rooms couldn't be opened before. Let's go take a look inside first."

Bai Weixi led We watched them one by one. There were two floors, three rooms on each floor, a total of six rooms, all opened.

When going downstairs, Bai Weixi had already gone through the space with consciousness and knew that the newly opened space was at the back. Now, the second entrance to the courtyard has become the third entrance.

So, he took them through the hanging flower door on the west side and walked to the back as usual.

As soon as they entered, everyone exclaimed in admiration. The meandering verandahs, carved beams and painted buildings, the well-proportioned attics of the houses, the countless thick old trees, each flower and tree have its own unique flavor, the key is that they are all alive, the leaves are green, and all kinds of precious flowers are there. Fight for beauty.

Behind this is a completely independent garden.

And whether it is horizontally or vertically, it is three times larger than the second entrance.

They entered a room, which was actually fully furnished and made of precious wood. It exuded a faint fragrance, and it looked like it was not ordinary at first glance.

No one knew much about antiques, so they asked Bai Weixi, "What kind of wood did you come up with?"

Bai Weixi: "...I just thought of a calmer color and a little fragrance, and then it came out on its own. I don't know. What kind of wood is this?"

Schentengler knows a little about antiques, because his grandma used to like to collect them. "This is ebony that evolved from golden nanmu, so it has a little fragrance. My grandma used to get a bunch of Buddhist beads made of this material. She was so happy. I heard that this thing is more expensive than gold by weight. This space is amazing. The whole set of golden ebony furniture can be changed at any time!"

Bai Weixi: "...I didn't expect the space to be so kind."

The five of them visited other rooms. Each room was exquisite and elegant, making them want to live there.

After visiting the large garden, Bai Weixi continued to take them to the southeast. They saw a hanging flower door on the south side connected to the front, but it was definitely not leading to the second courtyard because the width did not match.

Bai Weixi remembered that her cousin said that the biogas pool was here.

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