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Chapter 111 Dai Ruo's first generation

Sven even prepared every meal for her with his own hands. The nutrition was very comprehensive and he gave her the utmost care.

Soon, Bai Xiaonan became a lot plumper. She used to have the temperament of a lonely royal sister, but now she has a bit of charm and soft maternal brilliance of a mature woman.

With Dai Siwen's ability, he could have shown his talents in the military and made great achievements, but he did not participate in those actions at all. He only watched Bai Xiaonan. Bai Xiaonan also advised him, "You can do what you want to do, our marriage." It's not to restrict each other."

At this time, Dai Siwen would always call her sister in a malicious way, and then he would gently press his belly against hers and tell her clearly, "What I want to do most is to protect you. My main task is to be a good husband and a good father, and then I will consider other things."

Bai Xiaonan is always very moved, but also a little guilty because she devotes more of her mind to scientific research. , even though she was pregnant with a child, she still wanted to squeeze in more time to work. If Dai Siwen hadn't been supervising her every day and picking her up from work, she might have been uncontrollable and had to work overtime.

As Bai Xiaonan's belly grew bigger and bigger, Shentengler, who was lying on the bed, became thinner and thinner.

And after repeated verification, Bai Weixi discovered a pattern. Schentengler would eat when he was in the space. Once he was released, he would stop eating. No matter how delicious food was tempted to him, he would not open his mouth.

Everyone was worried, and Sukhbalu sighed and asked Bai Weixi to put him in the space and take him with him, and not to let him out again in the future.

Bai Weixi still can't figure out the joints. He only has a bad guess. In his previous life, Shentengele died before awakening his powers. In this life, he has become a strong man in the upper reaches. Has he changed? Too much, so he was restricted by the rules of the book and forced to fall into a deep sleep?

And her space can be regarded as an independent small world, so Schentengler can only be unrestricted in her space?

Before figuring it out, she decided to keep Schentengler in space.

One year after the great freeze, Bai Xiaonan gave birth to a daughter.

Name: Dai Ruochu.

Nickname: Xiaochu.

The meaning is to hope that everything will get better and return to the way it was before.

This little one has big eyes and double eyelids. He giggles every time he drinks milk. He never cries or makes a fuss. He spends most of his time sleeping. He makes everyone cute.

Bai Weixi suggested that their family go to the space for confinement.

But Dai Siwen and Bai Xiaonan disagree. Their concept is that since they are born in the end of the world, they must adapt to the end of the world. They are already thousands of times stronger than most people. They have complete supplies and warm houses, and they don't expect more. .

Of course Bai Weixi supported them. She gave Sun Siqi her unworn thermal clothing and asked Sun Siqi to change it into a smaller size and make clothes for her children.

Bai Xiaonan stared at the thermostat for a while, and the next day, he directly copied and improved the thermostat.

Bai Weixi: "!!!"

Fortunately, the military department has everything. Even if it doesn't, tell Burigude that he can get it from his subordinates. Bai Xiaonan is like a fish in water. Of course, the military department also treats Bai Xiaonan like a treasure. Protect the same.

On this day, Bai Weixi borrowed the child from the couple for a while and carried it to the space to show Schentengler.

As soon as they reached the space, Bai Weixi placed Xiaochu on Shentengele's big belly.

Although he has been losing weight, even if he has been in space, he is still losing weight. He currently only looks about 270 pounds, but he is still there, which confirms the saying that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, so he Now I still belong to the ranks of fat people.

Bai Weixi was about to say something, when suddenly, a bold idea came to his mind.

She held the baby in her arms and jumped twice on Shentengler's belly, and then spoke eloquently.

"Pangpang, I haven't come to see you much these days. You must be curious about where I went? Did you hear the child's voice? Yes, I gave birth to a child a few days ago. You don't need to know about the child. Who is your father? I will let the child recognize you as his father. From now on, this will be the child of the two of us... Xiaochu, call me daddy!"

Shentengele moved his fingers slightly, opened his mouth, and Bai Weixi immediately went to He stuffed a spicy beef strip into his mouth.

"You must be very happy too. You can become a father without any trouble..."

Shengtengler only chewed the beef strips and quickly bit off the beef strips, half of which fell to the side of his head.

Bai Weixi continued as if she hadn't seen him: "Xiaochu is very well-behaved and cute. It's just a pity that he doesn't look like you, and he's not as fat as you." The corner of

Shentengler's mouth twitched, and his eyelids opened wide, and he could It was obvious that he was trying very hard, because his face was blushing, but he didn't open it after all.

Bai Weixi raised her eyebrows and had to continue working hard.

"From now on, in the space, Xiaochu will call you daddy, and outside, she will call her biological father daddy, so you don't have to worry at all. Even if you leave the space, there will be people taking care of us."

"Xiaochu, Kiss daddy, we are going out!"

After Bai Weixi finished speaking, he saw a line of blood flowing from the corner of Shentengler's mouth.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Others don't wake up and get angry again.

Bai Weixi did not dare to say any more.

She used a tissue to wipe away the blood on Shentengler and said softly: "Pangpang, let me feed you some more food. I see you have lost weight." "

Ah - open your mouth."

Shentengler did not open his mouth. Instead, he pursed his lips tightly and his face became increasingly red.

"Are you very hot? Let me help you take a bath!"

Bai Weixi helped him unbutton his clothes. When he took off his sleeves, he saw that his arms were tightly clamped and he was not cooperative at all.

He was not like this before. He could manipulate his body at will, which was very convenient for Bai Weixi to take care of.

Bai Weixi sighed, "Pangpang, do you blame me? Don't blame me, I just want a child. When I die one day, she can continue to take care of you."

Sheng Tengler wheezed through his nose . Rough, like a raging bull, like a beast trapped in a cage.

Bai Weixi didn't move him again, carried Xiaochu into the stroller, and then prepared to leave.

Schentengler heard the sound of the car's wheels turning. At this moment, he really wanted Bai Weixi to go away quickly, but when Bai Weixi really wanted to leave, he wanted her to stay.

He knew that he was useless, his spirit was trapped in a small square world, and he couldn't get out. He didn't know what kind of place it was. He only knew that there were many artificial planets and satellites outside, and he couldn't even tell what they were. What.

He saw those large machines controlling the weather of the earth, when it would snow and how long it would last, when they would sprinkle some substances on the earth, substances that would excite the mice, and when it would get warm again and let all the snow turn into water, and then Then drop the temperature suddenly and let the water freeze into ice.

The earth is like a toy in their hands, and it is devastated.

And he was like a mouse in a cage. They allowed him to watch all this with confidence and laughed at his weakness and incompetence.

He was so angry that he thought every day that as soon as he woke up, he would destroy all these things!

But he didn't expect that before he woke up, Bai Weixi gave him such a big surprise.

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