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Chapter 021 Robbery

Bai Weixi took out the shotgun, held it, aimed, and shot!

Done in one go!

One second, the wild boar was still eating cabbage enthusiastically, and the next second, the wild boar stood still, seeming to be thinking about life.

Suddenly, the strong body fell straight to the ground, with its limbs stretched straight!

Schentengler gave her a thumbs up, "As expected of Machine Gun Roses!"

Dai Siwen stepped forward and checked the location of the hit, "The bullet entered from the left eye and exited from the right eye! That's awesome! There are specialties in the art. , that's right! Bai Weixi, please teach me in the future!"

Bai Weixi was a little embarrassed by the praise, "The distance is very close, it's nothing."

In fact, she was surprised herself, she didn't expect not to touch a gun for five years , and he can still shoot so accurately!

This is the so-called talent!

Just like Desven who knew how to cook at the age of five.

Schentengler easily carried the wild boar by himself. "You guys wait for me first. I'll go home and put it away. I'll be back in a minute!"

Dai Siwen: "I'll pick fungi with Bai Weixi first! It's right next to here."

It was agreed. Finally, the troops split into two groups!

Bai Weixi and Dai Siwen jumped over the fence and went to the woods to pick mushrooms.

Desvin knew a lot about mushrooms and knew which ones were poisonous and which ones were not.

I also know which ones are not poisonous, but they are not tasty at all.

"Look at this, it's white and pure, and the canopy is slightly powdery. It's not poisonous, but it smells like rotten leaves when fried. Don't pick it, it's a waste of oil!" "

This one is brown in color. It grows under the cypress tree. It's also special. It's delicious, with a smooth texture, not much worse than porcini..."

"Yeah," Bai Weixi just nodded vigorously and kept all this knowledge in her heart.

She liked to eat mushrooms like porcini, and wanted to cultivate some of them, so when Dai Siwen wasn't paying attention, she moved all the piles of rotten leaves and rotten wood into the space and placed them next to the concierge.

That location is on the shady side, which is suitable for mushrooms to grow. Whether they can grow or not depends on luck.

Soon, Schentengler will be back!

They had just picked a small bag of mushrooms, but mostly they were hunting wild boars.

The three of them continued walking forward.

When they walked to the back mountain, Dai Siwen's sharp eyes spotted wild boar excrement. "Wild boars don't like to be clean, so they poop next to their nests. There may be wild boar nests around here."

Sure enough, they were under a dense tree nearby. I found a nest of small wild boars, about a dozen of them, huddled under the roots of a tree to keep warm.

Dai Siwen took out a net, and Schentengler and he pulled two corners, and the two of them surrounded them on the left and right, and netted them all under the roots of the tree.

Schentengler took out the knife, cut through the mesh, one by one. In the end, only one was left to call the old sow, and the rest were slaughtered.

When the old sow heard the screams of the piglet, she ran back angrily. She was very fast. Bai Weixi shot her in the head, but did not kill her.

The old sow smelled the smell of blood and heard screams. She probably knew that something had happened to the little piglet, so she rushed towards Schentengler like crazy!

It only took a few seconds. Bai Weixi still wanted to shoot, but was afraid of accidentally injuring Dai Siwen and Shentengler. During his hesitation, he missed the best opportunity.

Bai Weixi became anxious instantly.

She secretly warned herself, how can this kind of psychological quality work? There will be things a hundred times more dangerous than this in the future, so you must be quick and sure!

Schentengler still had injuries on his stomach, and Dai Siwen was so thin, could he really do it?

It was too late, but it was fast. A second before the wild boar's head hit Shentengele, Shentengler's fat body jumped to the side lightly, and at the same time, he punched the wild boar's head hard.

The wild boar shook its body, then fell to the ground, twitching all over. After twitching for a while, it stopped moving!

grass! Kill a wild boar with one punch!

Awesome, fat brother!

Bai Weixi began to re-examine Schentengler's abilities.

At least he didn't eat in vain. He gained weight and strength. That punch weighed at least 800 kilograms!

Moreover, he is agile and even though he is fat, he is still a flexible fat man!

"That's it for today! I can't get more!" Schentengler was quite satisfied. As he said this, he killed the last little wild boar with one knife, then tied the six little wild boars together with ropes and hung them on the On the left shoulder, the right shoulder carries a large wild boar.

There were a total of twelve little wild boars, and there were six left. Dai Siwen also tied them with ropes and hung them on his shoulders, three on the left and three on the right.

Bai Weixi wanted to help, but they wouldn't let her do anything.

The three of them started walking back. Halfway there, suddenly, five men walked out from behind a big tree.

They had either knives or sticks in their hands.

"Stay with the wild boar, you can leave alive." The leading man did not look at them, but cut his fingernails with a big knife.

A crazy group.

Bai Weixi was speechless.

These people are really navel farting, I don't know why it's so loud.

Is it just luck that the three of them were able to hunt so many wild boars?

And didn't you see Schentengler carrying so many wild boars at once like a strong man?

Also, she just fired a shot not long ago. No matter how hard the rain falls, the sound of the gunshot will be sudden, okay?

Just as she was about to pull out her gun and scare them away, Schentengler stopped her.

"Bai Weixi, Siwen and I haven't been active for a long time. We have itchy hands. Leave it to us!"

Bai Weixi can understand the feeling of itchy hands. "Okay! Be careful of them stabbing you in the back!"

After saying that, she stepped aside. Under the big tree, Schentengler and Desvin put the wild boar at her feet.

The two of them walked forward.

This time, Bai Weixi was not worried at all! The national college student Sanda champion did not come for nothing, he is very strong!

At this time, she should pay attention to her own safety.

There are many people who stab people in the back in the last days, but now, she seems to be the "back" of their three-person team.

If the enemy soldiers divided into two groups, one group faced the two men head-on, and the other group attacked the woman from behind and used her as a threat, then they might indeed achieve their goal.

Even their guns were seized.

It makes sense that the man in charge is a bit crazy.

Bai Weixi reached into her backpack, actually took out a charging folding portable lamp from the space and hung it on the branch in front of her. Then she took out a short knife and held it in front of her. She looked forward without looking back at all.

Within a minute, Schentengler had knocked down two men and snatched their knives.

They are not on the same level at all. In front of Shentengele, they are just like Guan Gong showing off his sword in front of him, just like a joke.

In two minutes, Schentengler knocked down another person, and Dai Siwen also knocked down another.

Only the leading man was still standing.

There is indeed a reason why he can be the leader, because he can hide faster than ordinary people.

He should have been the first one to fall, but he actually dodged, and Schentengler's punch was fed to his companions!

He held the long knife and backed away little by little, his legs were trembling, his eyes were always alert to Shentengler and Desvin, and he was no longer in the careless state before.

Schentengler and Deswen pressed forward step by step. After they put a sufficient distance away from Bai Weixi, the leading man suddenly whistled and ran away.

At the same time, Bai Weixi saw a man reaching out from behind the big tree from the bright blade.

His face was pale, his eyes were black and blue, and he had a charming smile on his lips. Damn it, Bai Weixi was really shocked!

"Damn it!" Bai Weixi cursed in her heart!

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