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Chapter 081 Deal:

"I'll pay 130,000 for one head!" Schentengler said calmly.

Bai Weixi: "..."

This boy!

It's casual, as long as things can be done well, men love to talk, and she doesn't care.

However, Dai Siwen frowned and found some clues.

It seemed that Schentengler would lose his sense of proportion every time he met Fu Chengxi.

Doesn't he know if others don't know?

Although Schentengler looks innocent on the surface, he is actually very scheming. Maybe children from rich families are like this. They have been able to use tricks since they were young. In his eyes, Schentengler has always been as stable as an old dog.

It was rare to see him so frizzy.

It never happened even when his sister played mixed doubles with his cousin.

Fu Chengxi was surprised. He didn't see who Schentengler had a closer relationship with. They were all like ordinary friends, but he wouldn't interfere in other people's private affairs.

"Then let's bid fairly!"

Schentengler also nodded, "Okay!" Fu

Chengxi: "150,000 per head!"

Schentengler: "160,000!" Fu

Chengxi: "180,000!"

Schentengler: "190,000!"

Fu Chengxi: "200,000!"

Schentengler didn't rush to call the number first, "Colonel Fu, I think you dare to bid so much, it doesn't sound like you are buying meat. It's like raising and drinking milk. Let me remind you first, these are sick cows! If you don't have medicine, they won't survive for a few days in your hands. Let alone drinking milk, the meat will be fishy."

A family selling cattle was arrested After telling the truth, the old man selling the cow blushed. He had a conscience and bowed his head and admitted, "I am indeed a sick cow. If there is medicine, it may not be cured. It is best to eat meat and kill it immediately after buying it." Yes! Colonel Fu, I don't want to lie to you, you have to think about it before buying it."

Fu Chengxi's face remained calm, "Just in time, I have special medicine here, brother, but I want to remind you that this old man also said, Even if you have medicine in your hand, it may not work, so you might as well sell it to me."

Schentengler smiled and said, "My family is a cattle farmer, so this minor illness can't trouble me."

Fu Chengxi shook his head with a smile. The probability that medicine can cure it is very low. They obviously have other trump cards, which may be related to their superpowers.

Thinking of this, Fu Chengxi became interested. For the first time, his four dogs were lost, and they were right next to them.

The second time, he lost his red carp and they were there too.

At that time, he had already determined that one of them must have space powers that could store living creatures.

But he didn't say anything, he just thought about recruiting, thinking that as long as he recruited the military department, everything would be clear in the future.

But I didn't expect that they were not happy.

Now it seems that that space can also cure diseases, and he doesn't want to get into a tense situation over a few sick cows, which will ultimately benefit the old man.

200,000 is already high enough. It is better to give up half of the cattle and let him confirm who has the spatial power.

There are only two targets, besides Schentengler, there is Bai Weixi.

When the little carp was lost, they were the only ones present.

He prefers Shentengler, because space powers are high-level powers and are very malleable. Bai Weixi's power level is too low. It doesn't seem like he has such a powerful power, but everything is possible. He is now Can not be sure.

If he determines who has space powers, he will keep them anyway, which is crucial for future development.

"Brother, how about we stop fighting and have four cows per person? And there are exactly two bulls here. Each of us has one bull and three cows. We will be able to give birth to cubs in the future, and no one will lose."

Fu Chengxi Wanting to test them, why didn't Bai Weixi not want to test Fu Chengxi?

Bai Weixi had already guessed that his superpower was related to animals, and now it seemed that he could directly cure animals' diseases. And judging by his demeanor, he is confident, as if a cow will surely give birth to milk if it comes into his hands, so his super powers must be very unbelievable.

Shentengler looked at Bai Weixi, who nodded at him.

The two parties reached an agreement, and each person paid the old man 800,000 for a head price of 200,000, and each person took four heads away.

The people watching the excitement suddenly lost interest. They thought they could get millions of dollars! Sure enough, there is no fool among the rich.

Many people here can afford 200,000. Even if they can't buy eight, they can at least buy one. But they don't have medicine, so it's not cost-effective to buy them back to eat the meat.

But at this time, a woman had an idea and knelt directly at Fu Chengxi's feet, "Colonel Fu, please give me a cow and sell me some medicine! My daughter was just born, and I don't have any Milk, the child has to drink milk! She can't survive without milk!"

Fu Chengxi didn't expect to encounter this scene, but he reacted quickly, "I'm sorry, the medicine I mentioned is provided by the military research institute. Yes, the cows will be handed over to the research institute for medicinal research, and they will definitely not be sold to you, and even if they are sold to you, you will not be able to keep them, and they may even be killed. If you have this money, it is better to go to the Chamber of Commerce to buy milk powder."

The woman blushed because she didn't expect the military to be so unkind.

Fu Chengxi ignored her and led the cow to the side, where eight of his subordinates were waiting.

Although Fu Chengxi had a pleasant appearance, all of his eight subordinates had vicious looks, including one with one eye. The woman did not dare to say anything more, so she got up from the ground and walked away dejectedly.

Shentengler also took the cow and walked to Bai Weixi, "Hey, I bought the cow."

Bai Weixi snorted, Shentengler grinned and followed behind with four skinny cows.

Fortunately, the RV was big and Bai Weixi drove the car. Schentengler led the cows into the RV, and the four cows could fit inside.

Others go and drive other cars.

Schentengler closed the door of the RV, and the windows could not be seen from the outside. Bai Weixi was afraid that the cows would poop in the car, so she immediately took them into the space and put them in the pen with the roe deer.

Then Bai Weixi asked Schentengler to drive and enter the space himself.

Among the supplies Sun Siqi had just purchased were some veterinary medicines, some of which were used to treat cattle epidemic fever. Bai Weixi mixed the medicine powder with hot spring water, fed it to them, and then fed them fodder.

After the cow drank it, he immediately became more energetic.

The roe deer kept circling around them, wanting to come up and lick the water.

Bai Weixi took more water, filled the sink with water, and let them drink together.

The water tank was suddenly crowded with heads, including those of roe deer and cows, and their ears were squeezed in. They looked quite funny.

Soon, another sink of water was finished.

Bai Weixi did not fetch more water, but added enough fodder to them.

The roe deer was used to eating and started eating directly, while the cows smelled it and hesitated for a while before starting to eat, seemingly reluctantly.

Bai Weixi thought of the grass and wild vegetables planted in Erjin's yard, which were now one finger high, but there were some self-growing plants in them. She didn't know what they were yet, and they needed to be protected first before allowing animals to graze.

So, she went to Erjin's large garden. The plants with obviously thick buds had already unfolded their leaves, with fat branches and large leaves, and they were very vigorous.

She didn't pay attention to gardening and didn't know what it was, so she had to wait and ask someone else later.

First use space barriers to cover these seedlings, and then bring four cows here.

The cows really had an appetite when they smelled the fresh grass and started chewing it.

Although it looks good now, she is not very satisfied with the arrangement here.

Those unknown plants cannot be protected for a lifetime. It is best to have some small animals stay here to eat weeds. The roe deer are thrown to the back mountain, and the cattle are tied to the trees in the back mountain to let them graze there.

But the roe deer belongs to everyone, and she needs everyone's consent.

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