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Chapter 091 Grave Relocation

Bai Weixi did not hide anything. If you are sure, believe it. If you hesitate, don't be together. This is her attitude towards life.

"This bracelet is my space. As long as you wear it, I can teleport to you no matter how far away you are."

Schentengler could no longer describe his mood at this moment.

What a wonderful night!

Even the tornado that passed just now was a supreme beauty in his heart.

"I will definitely protect it like I protect you!"

Bai Weixi slowly lowered her head after watching him finish speaking, her thick lips getting closer and closer. She didn't know why, but she found it very funny, and laughed out loud.

Schentengler's newly brewed emotions disappeared instantly.

The key is that Bai Weixi smiles so devilishly that he can't keep his mouth shut.

Very helpless.

"Daughter-in-law, why are you laughing?"

Bai Weixi was covering her mouth and laughing, "I just think it's very funny. Please stand at attention first. Since we are in love, I must ask you to do something for me."

Shen Tenger Le stood up straight, "What's the matter, daughter-in-law? Just say it!"

Bai Weixi: "My ancestral grave is in the back of Baimei Mountain. Please help me move the grave to my space."

Schentengler immediately said seriously: " No problem, cover it with me!"

Bai Weixi watched the wind outside gradually getting stronger, and the sycamore tree in front of the door was blown into a mess.

"Let's go now! I can't sleep."

"Okay! I can't sleep either." Schentengler looked deeply into Bai Weixi's eyes. It was clear that he had a naive appearance, but his eyes were extremely sharp. .

Bai Weixi avoided his gaze and coughed lightly, "Work hard for me. When you're done... I'll give you a kiss."

Schentengler almost jumped up and punched three times with both hands, excited. He said from ear to ear, "Let's go! Daughter-in-law! It's important to move the tomb, we can't delay it for a moment!"

The two held hands and walked softly down the stairs.

When he opened the door, a strong wind roared into the villa, but when Schentengler stood there, it was like a thick wall. The door panel was as light as a heavy one in his hands, and there was no movement at all.

If Bai Weixi had opened the door, he would have been taken away.

Schentengler closed the door softly, not forgetting to cover Bai Weixi's chest with his other hand.

The two drove into the armored vehicle and headed straight to Baimei Mountain.

I passed by Baimeishan Church on the way and found that it was so late and the military was still training in the square in front of the church.

Shentengler slowed down and looked for a while, "Something's wrong, their number has increased."

Bai Weixi looked at him, "How do you know?"

Shentengler choked, touched his nose and said, " I used to go out by myself at night to inquire about the situation. There was only one regiment here, with about 2,000 people, but now there are probably 3,000 people! I suspect that the military has been recruiting soldiers, not just those with superpowers, but as long as they meet the physical standards, they will accept them. ."

Bai Weixi nodded, "This is a good thing. If you join the military, you will have food, which is equivalent to a golden rice bowl."

Shengtengler was extremely entangled, but now that the relationship has been confirmed, and Bai Weixi regards her space bracelet as a token of love. It's on him, what else is he afraid of?

"It's a good thing, but I'm very wary of Cheng Xi. I don't want his strength to grow too fast. I'm afraid he will snatch you away... because I think he is the male protagonist Jiang Yuerou said, and you are Hostess, if what Jiang Yuerou said is true, you two should have been a couple."

Bai Weixi didn't even blink, and her tone was extremely calm, "Not to mention, it's really possible. His superpower can probably create Or summon spiritual beasts, and my space can be upgraded as long as I put spiritual beasts in it. If I keep putting spiritual beasts in it, do you think it will become another planet in the end?"

Schentengler's heart tightened. , "Should I remind you?"

Bai Weixi: "So what? I have no feelings for him at all. He is a stranger to me. Do I have to be with him just to save mankind?" Together? I don't live in a church, and I'm not the Virgin Mary."

Schentengler was still a little sour, "But you said before, Fu Chengxi is the type that almost all girls like."

Bai Weixi nodded, "If it weren't for you, maybe I would have looked at him twice, but as long as you stood there, you would definitely be the most eye-catching kid in the crowd! I couldn't see anyone else at all."

Schentengler was speechless for a while. , but the rising and falling chest still betrayed his emotions.

The sweet words are touching, and tonight, Shentengele's heart has turned into soup.

He picked up Bai Weixi's slender hand, put it to his mouth and kissed it hard.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the back mountain. Following Bai Weixi's instructions, Shengtengler parked the car in a place, and then the two got out of the car. Shentengler was afraid that Bai Weixi would be blown away by the wind, so he held her tightly. hand.

Bai Weixi took him to his ancestral grave, which was surrounded by iron bars. Bai Weixi didn't have a key, only his uncle and an old man guarding the grave had keys.

Now that the old man is gone, Schentengler jumps directly over with Bai Weixi on his back.

The ancestral tombs were very large, and each one was made of cement. Schentengler was not afraid at all. He picked up a shovel and dug all the way. When he reached the tomb wall, he used a hammer to break it, and then removed all the urns and funerary objects inside. take out.

Bai Weixi leaned behind a tomb to take shelter from the wind. Schentengele took out one, and she put another one into the space.

Soon, Schentengler took out more than forty, leaving only the last one.

Bai Weixi was hiding behind to avoid the wind.

He asked Shentengler to stop for a moment, "This is my mother's tomb, let's worship together!"

Without saying anything, Shentengler pulled Bai Weixi and knelt in front of the tomb, "Mom, Xixi and I are here. It's up to you."

Bai Weixi: "..."

"Mom, this is my boyfriend, he will be my husband in the future, I brought him to see you...Mom, don't worry, I am doing well, you stay I didn't let those beasts spend any of my inheritance, and I used that money to stock up on supplies in advance. Even if natural disasters continue, I am still living a comfortable life. Mom, have you seen everything?"

Bai Weixi said, Tears flowed.

Schentengler immediately hugged her and said, "Don't cry, wife, the wind is getting stronger and stronger, we have to hurry up! Let's kowtow to mom three times, and then you go hide behind, and I'll hurry up and work."

Although Bai Weixi was sad, he was very cooperative. The two kowtowed three times together, and then Shentengler took Bai Weixi to the back of the grave and settled him down. He dug a big hole by himself, and he made a mistake while digging. Difficult, "Who did this? Steel bars were used inside!"

Bai Weixi: "..."

"It must be my uncle, he was responsible for my mother's funeral."

Schentengler did not dare to complain anymore, and opened the steel bars with his bare hands. Went in and took out the urn and dowry.

Fortunately, all the ancestors of Bai Weixi's family were cremated, otherwise it would be really difficult.

The last one to finish his work, Schentengler immediately circled Bai Weixi and got into the car.

The wind was really strong, but hiding in Shentengele's arms, Bai Weixi couldn't feel anything.

Jumping out of the fence, they suddenly saw a figure appearing in front of them.

It was late at night, just after digging the grave, and both of them were startled.

The man raised the brim of his hat, and they saw clearly that it was Fu Chengxi!

"Colonel Fu, why are you here next to my cemetery?" Bai Weixi asked with raised eyebrows.

Fu Chengxi's eyes moved back and forth between the two of them. Schentengler held Bai Weixi in his arms and rubbed his chin on top of her head.

Fu Chengxi looked away, "I saw you digging the grave, and the urn disappeared after you took it out. I guess you put it in the space... right?"

Schentengler clenched his fists, but he didn't expect this person. He hasn't given up yet and is still following them!

"It's been placed in my space. What's wrong? It's not a living thing. Why should you help your wife move her grave?"

Fu Chengxi said slowly, "You said before that your space can only store food?"

Shen Teng Ge Le nodded, "Yes, you can eat the ashes if you want! Didn't you hear that adding some ashes to the soup tastes more delicious?"

Fu Chengxi was stunned for a moment, can this be done?

Bai Weixi also had an unusually strange tone, "What's wrong with the space for ashes? Why is Colonel Fu always staring at my boyfriend's space? You don't want to steal a man from me, do you?"

Fu Chengxi choked, snorted coldly, and turned away. .

While walking, I could still hear Bai Weixi's voice, "I tell you, stay away from him in the future, I think he seems to be interested in you."

Schentengler: "You are too outrageous, look at what he beat me! It's interesting!"

Bai Weixi: "Hitting is a kiss, scolding is a love!"

Fu Chengxi couldn't stand it anymore and ran away quickly.

After he disappeared, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, both of them holding back their laughter.

In fact, Bai Weixi was a little scared. Fortunately, she didn't talk nonsense when she paid homage to her mother just now.

She could tell that Fu Chengxi was very persistent in space, and he was very keen. He probably figured out something after returning.

Schentengler circled Bai Weixi and quickly got into the car and drove back.

Halfway through the journey, a strong wind suddenly blew up. The trees on the road kept making "knock, click, click" sounds. Large branches were blown off, and some were uprooted. There was no one in the square in front of the church, and everyone took shelter from the wind. .

"This is a Category 10 typhoon!" Schentengler drove quickly.

Bai Weixi: "Maybe this is a typhoon!"

As he was talking, suddenly, a big tree on the side of the road uprooted and hit their car.

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