Chapter 28

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(Pitch's Lair)

"Well done my nightmares, the plan is starting to come together. My power grows and soon I will make you into a mighty army once more. As my power grows so will your numbers. So now in order to be reunited with your brothers and sisters, that have been banished to nothingness by unbelief, you must continue your work my pets. The time draws ever nearer. This little setback is nothing. We are used to being patient. Tonight I want you circling the globe not the North Pole. They presume your presence still. And even if they notice your absence, it will cause no small degree of consternation either. Now fly my agents of darkness, do your duty as intended before I had to recall you, from your true calling, to save your very existence. Those meddling Guardians. Go forth on the wings on dusk and spread some fear. Soon, my pets, soon..."


(North's POV)

Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.

Leadership isn't easy. You have to remain composed in the face of all danger and dispute. Sometimes you have to make tough choices. Sometimes you bear the weight of your team's problems. And sometimes you need to put your own needs or peace of mind last. Moon knows North knew a thing or two about that. He had to be the anchor in the storm that others could come to. He had to weather the storm for all their sakes. And could not let anyone see how worried or weak he may be for then the team might fall apart. Yes, heavy lies the head that wears the stocking cap.

He was in his workshop tinkering with new toy designs when Bunny burst in brusquely, as was his way.

"G'day mate. We need te talk,"

"Greetings to you. On what do you wish to speak?"

"It's that Elsa we got livin' at the Pole. Are ye sure she should have free reign of the place? I mean we still don't know for sure wit her deal is."

"Not that she ever seems to leave that room of hers."

"That's not the point and besides you can't even know that for sure."

"I thought you had made your peace with her"

"Somewhat but my patience aint endless, we shouldn't take any chances where Pitch is concerned. You've seen what he's done in the past we all know what he's capable of."

"WAS capable of. He is much weakened and fearing his plans will not help our cause."

"I aint scared mate I'm jus being pragmatic. "

"Well if you wish you can stand guard outside her room all day and night and neglect your own Guardian duties."

"Maybe I will- " he began before registering the rest of North's sentence. 

"Will?" North prompted.

Bunny grumbled unintelligibly before offering, "Could you not have a yeti guard her?'

"That would scare her and cause even more distrust which we are trying to avoid if we want anything out of her."

"Well wat about an elf then?"

North raised an eyebrow.

"Ok you're right maybe not an elf... well how about a Baby Tooth?"

North stroked his beard thoughtfully, "Maybe if it will give you peace of mind to concentrate on your job."

"North, old friend you know I mean well."

"I do and whatever is going on we will solve it." somehow, he thought.

They shook hands and Bunny gave him a firm nod before turning to exit the room,

"I hope you know what you're doing" was his parting remark.

'So do I' North thought to himself and returned to his work. 'So do I.'


North was carefully putting the finishing touches on a toy when a loud bang caused him to drop it and it broke.

Turning furious to the door he saw Phil, one of his yetis.

*Angry yeti noises*

North was boiling himself. But before he could yell the yeti finished his own grumbling. North took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"They mean well"

*Yeti noises*

'Yes I know but it's not like we could just throw them out. They are Christmas icons, and they mean well."

The yeti continued his explanation.

"They did what? By Svarog! How many weeks will this set us back?"

"Yeti noises"

North sighed, thinking deeply. After a moment he gave his verdict. "Well, they are able to transport objects well. Give them clear instructions and we can still make it on time for Christmas. No arguing. Go. Hopefully this will also keep them out of trouble." 

North sighed and looked to the remains of his creation on the floor. Hours of work gone.


No sooner had he finished cleaning up than another being entered his study. It was Sandy, at least he wouldn't make any noise. The sound of yetis, elves' bells, arguing, wind, sounds of construction and he could even hear Tooth babbling on in her hyper way to Bunny, probably something about reassigning one of her Baby Tooths. It was almost enough to give him a headache. 

The usually calm Sandy was agitated. Sand swirled above his head as he tried to communicate

"Slow down, I can't understand you when you sign like that. Calm down and tell me what on mind. Is problem?"

Problem they did indeed have. As the Sandman, Sandy's job was to spread good dreams to all the world, especially the children. Sometimes people had nightmares naturally and sometime Pitch induced them. When people didn't dream they tended to sleep restlessly as their conscious minds fought for control. Dreams allowed a sort of entertainment for the mind so that it wouldn't fight sleep and people would sleep deeply and well. The problem was that recently there had been a decline in the effectiveness of dreams. Sometimes they didn't last as long. Sometimes they didn't take and the mind rejected them. People slept ever more restlessly. It was slight at first. Barely noticeable. Like a frog in boiling water. It wasn't enough of an issue to cause major concern yet or really affect anything at all but if it went on at this rate eventually he might lose power altogether.

North looked out the window and saw the shadow of a nightmare lurking. He sighed internally. At least if nightmares were here, they weren't in the world affecting the children.

"For now, you must continue as normal. But report back to me immediately if it gets any worse. Understood?"

Sandy nodded gravely and left. His dream sand twinkling sadly in his wake.


"Oh Moon, what is your plan?" North mused. 'Am I making the right choices? Can we trust her? Can we gain her trust? What is Pitch planning?'

 He had it all together on the outside but on the inside he was just as worried as everyone else.

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