Chapter 2 : Into the Magic Shop

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<Y/n's POV>

[Please refer to the book "My Cat" for the continuation of this chapter]

"Wait but before we go, let me introduce you to the ones who will join us in this journey."

He clapped twice and two creatures walked out from another room.

My eyes widened. 


"So you recognised us? Well I mean, we are unavoidable and you gotta see us more as we will join you!"

The one who was taller than the other, with wide shoulders and a very (when I mean very, I mean very very) handsome man with plump lips stood in front of me. He was in a blue and white striped shirt, handsomely tucked in trousers.

The other smiled and stood beside the other. His smile was adorable for sure and his face resembled a bunny with those wide glossy eyes staring at me. He was very buff with muscles poking out of his t-shirt, and his left arm covered with art. A huge difference between the face and the body. 

"Ahhh, let me introduce ourselves first. I am Jungkook and this older guy is Seokjin!" The younger one exclaimed, extending his hands for me. The other guy, Seokjin, hit Jungkook's head and smiled at me.

"But who are you guys? By now I'm very sure you guys ain't any normal human being after everything I've seen.."

"Yes you're right! Well all for you to know is that we are very good friends of Yoongi and we are going to help you throughout this long journey!" Seokjin said.

"Yes, I don't know what's coming for us but all we know is that this is not something easy, so we will be there for you and our old friend!" Jungkook added.

Mr Kang walked in front of us.

"Come on everyone, I have prepared the car and let's get started to our first destination.

Into the Magic Shop".

<Author's POV>

The car drove back to the city, into a slow and dull life that was very unusual for them. Y/n confused in all of what's happening stared out of the window looking at the pale environment of the city.

"This isn't normal. I can sense dark magic used. Must be the work of the same magic that is controlling Yoongi." Mr Kang wondered.

The car passed through Hongdae street in front of you in an alleyway and four of them walked into the alley. There were different street side shops in the alley - food, clothes, cafes, and so on - but no humans were around. Mr Kang led them to a bookstore, The Enchanted Archive.

The bookstore looked like any normal bookshop of the place except this different name. Even its inside looked like any other bookstore, but there was no one. Mr Kang walked through the selves and pulled a very specific book..."The legend of Smeraldo."

A door opened behind a self leading to a different corridor, revealing a large hall like room, with a roof covered with glass beautifully painted and carved with colourful designs. The room was filled with books all around and stairs joining to the upper shelves. Magic particles and scrolls were moving around the whole room. Tiny plants were placed in different corners of the room, some chairs and tables arranged, and a few large sofas set in the middle of the room. There were different engravings of various ancient languages stacked throughout.

 There were different engravings of various ancient languages stacked throughout

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