Chapter 10 : A bittersweet love story

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<Seokjin's POV>

"Hello there." I said with a smile. The shivering girl looked up at me. I heart skipped a beat. Her hair was wet and soaked up in water. Her skin was wet and dewy, the water accentuating her natural glow. Her face was delicate, her cheeks are high and round, with a hint of natural flush that gives her face a healthy glow. She was beautiful.

Achoo! She sneezed once more as I came out of my trance. I quickly took out my jacket and held out to her.

"Here, take this."

"It's okay, you don't have anything for yourself." She protested. But I was persistent.

"You need it more than me, my lady. And this rain is alright for me, so I insist." She finally took my jacket and covered herself. I smiled and sat beside her.

"Thank you.." She said in a small voice. And I smiled at her. She is adorable.

"I have not seen you before... Are you from the kingdom of Hanseong?" She stiffened a bit. She slowly nodded. I smiled at her.

"I am Kim Seokjin from Gyeongju. Nice to meet you."

"I am Eun Ae, nice to meet you too." She replied.

"So what were you doing here in the forest?"

"Just to collect some flowers and walk through the green paths."

"Me too, I was here with my horse. Do you want to meet him?" She nodded.

And that's how we spent our time together for quite long knowing each other, playing with my horse till the rain was over after which she bid me goodbye and ran back to her kingdom. This forest was the only part of the mountain which barely has any security from both the kingdoms as people don't tend to visit much due to myths and guardian spirits. And that's why I like it. A place where no one knows. But this little fairy disturbed my solace, but in a better way. Her presence has made it better. Every time we got an escape, we would come here, secretly and enjoy our time together. It began from her returning back to the same tree, waiting for me to return my jacket, while somehow I couldn't stop thinking of her, and got me attracted back to this place.

We have found so much to talk about together, just anything. And us meeting together has become a hobby, an addiction, an escape and solace. And I never realized how I slowly admired her, from her words, her attitude, her companionship to her smile, her voice, her face. And it was then, within a year, I realized that I was falling in love with her. I knew almost everything about her, and so did she. We never knew how quickly we became so close. And I could feel that she might have the same feelings for me. Her flushed cheeks when she was around me, her being all adorable, yet strong when she had to prove her words, her righteousness towards her life, all attracted me. So one day, gathering up my courage, I decided to confess to her.

<A/n's POV>

And under the very same tree with sky covered with twinkling stars, he expressed his love to her, the girl, who felt herself for the first time when she began to spend with him, she could feel herself without any shackles, feel herself like a young country girl, falling in love and enjoying her time, this man taught her little joys of life; and no way she could reject the man she fell for. And for him, she was not just any girl, he felt home, his safe space, away from all chaos and turmoil, where he could be himself, where he didn't need to impress anyone or live up to anyone's expectations. He found himself amidst all.

And a bittersweet love story began...

The kingdom of Hanseong and Gyeongju didn't have a good relationship between them for some age-old issues. Even though tension has dropped, the royal families still aren't too fond of each other. And despite knowing everything, the kindhearted souls took up the risk and let all the boundaries, hatred and differences break down under the power of love. Their meets were always hidden, excuses and lies to blossom love amidst them. Both of them understood their problems, and thus left their moments hidden in the shade of this large forest.

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