CH-7: A slithery......friend?

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You grumbled in your sleep as you felt something poking you over your blanket. Your eyebrows furrowed as you held Charlie closer who was also asleep. The poking seemed to stop for a moment. But then suddenly your whole blanket was pulled off causing your eyes to shot open.

You stopped as a disappointed groan came from the deer in front of you, your blanket in its mouth. You rubbed your temples with frustration. You still wanted to sleep a bit longer.

Begrudgingly, you stood up and headed to your bathroom. After coming out refreshed, you headed to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee. You started one of Ashley's drawing livestreams as a background noise and to lift your moods up. You were cackling with all the jokes and jabs from the va's. And blushed whenever alastor would flirt, even if it wasn't directed towards you. This man's voice was just flawless.

For some reason the deer really disliked whenever Alastor spoke. It tried to bite your phone once but you quickly moved it out of its way. "Bad,bad deer!" You shouted.

In response the deer just squinted it's eyes at you with disapproval. You feared for a moment that it'll try to bite your hand off. But it didn't and just turned it's head away from you.

Another weird thing happened when you were trying to cook breakfast for yourself. You left your front door open in hopes the deer will finally leave you alone and go back in the forest. And the other reason was for the ewe to eat fresh grass. After yesterday you were sure they wouldn't run away from you. The ewe did go out. However the deer did not. It settled on just watching you cook in the kitchen.

You were trying to prepare meat for cooking. You cut your meat into small pieces as you went to wash your vegetables. Before you could react, the deer came forward and took the pieces in its mouth, chewing it. You gave the deer a horrified look. You never heard that deer's could eat meat. You only knew them to eat grass and other veggies.

*Earlier before*

Though Alastor didn't like that you touched him. He had to admit you did your job at sewing him up pretty well. He would forcefully stay with you wether you liked it or not as per Charlie's suggestion. However he didn't expect you to be so gentle with him after seeing him tensed up or the fact you cared to cover him up last night.

He chuckled to himself. What a sweet little girl you were. You risked your life back there to save that of a sheep. This type of people are the one who are taken most advantage of in this world. After regaining his strength in the morning, he went out to wake you up. If you're taking care of them then you shouldn't be such a lazy host.

You attempted to shoo him out by opening your door later. He knew he'd have to eat later but annoying you was more fun. Your reactions have been quite amusing by far. Plus he wasn't that much fond of greenery, he would much rather eat meat. So he didn't leave, drinking up in your frustrations. He thought about the wolves he killed yesterday. They weren't venison but wouldn't hurt to try.

Charlie and Vaggie told him about how they were cartoon like characters in this world. And the thought about being recorded and being showed in those..... picture shows didn't quite sit right with him. If only he had his full power, he would slaughter every people responsible for this. His face wasn't made for something like that. And then there was the thing you played while cooking.

'Bhahaha!'Deer daddy'! People fucking calls you 'deer daddy' Alastor!' Angel was almost choking from laughing too much.'I never imagined I would hear him of all people flirt..' Vaggie said almost cringing. "I assure you I never counted on it either. That is not me. Someone is using my voice for these types of outrageous stuffs!' Alastor said, his eyes almost twitching with anger.

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